Manuka doctor products
I have two Anti-aging products one a rejuvenating face mask rrp $69
Wanting $50ono
And age-defying serum rrp $33-$34
Wanteing 20
Both for $60
I am Viktor, a qualified carpenter with 20+ years of experience in construction industry. I am LBP builder, that mean I can do resticted works for council inspection, can do many other works as handyman services - repair broken windows, doors, kitchen draws, install hinges, knobs, door handles, walls repair, decks, private screens and many other small jobs around your house.
Can do alteration, extention of your house etc. If you have any jobs which is sitting and waiting their hour, call me and I will sort it out for you. Contact me by email allbuildservice@gmail.com or text by phone 0212362683, I will contact you in 24 hours to discuss your needs and give you a qoute
Kind regards to everyone
New Year, New Questions You Won’t Solve!
I get smaller every time I take a bath.
What am I?
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