Life-saving heart research ❤️
Our research funding is all about saving lives in New Zealand ❤️ This year, we were thrilled to announce $3.7m of funding for heart research and specialist overseas training for New Zealand cardiologists. Huge thanks to our donors and supporters for their generosity and for making this investment in heart health possible.
Click the link to find out more about the transformative research projects.

We're talking new year resolutions...
Tidying the house before going to bed each night, meditating upon waking or taking the stairs at work.
What’s something quick, or easy, that you started doing that made a major positive change in your life?

Share your summer photos! 📷
Taken some beautiful snaps lately? Whether it's rainbows, sunsets or a beautiful summer's day, we'd love you to share the joy with us.
Share a photo in the comments below

Out with the Old, In with the Confusing!
I have hands but can’t clap.
What am I?
Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.
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