Trolley waste
My friend in Auckland has started a petition about those abandoned shopping trolleys. She has seen first-hand the damage they are doing to conservation and restoration areas, blocking waterways, causing flooding. In the interests of our beautiful community, I thought that you would probably be interested in adding your signatures.
You’ll find it here –the preamble explains it all!
Yesterday she had a discussion with her local supermarket staff and found that when they get calls about misappropriated trolleys, they must pass the request on to their Head Office (OSH policy). Of course, right now it’s holidays so there will be delays. But even when it’s NOT holidays and there are delays in collecting the trolleys the idiots have more opportunities to move the trolleys again, damage them, or push them into areas which other people/groups have been working hard to beautify.
You and I and other responsible people are merely the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff when we report missing trolleys to the rightful owners, or return them, or use Snap Send Solve or other apps. What she is asking for is the corporate HQ of the stores to install PREVENTATIVE action. There are systems available which will prevent damage to the environment and waste of resources and time.
As she says, I've got better things to do with her time than taking action with misplaced trolleys. Haven't you? It would be a big task to change the mindset of the idiots... so hopefully the supermarkets and stores, once aware of how we feel, will live up to their sustainability policies and take positive action.
Would you like to sign and share the petition? That would be fantastic!

HI please can anyone plz help . I am a solo person with a digital business without much money but am really at a loss as to how i can market my digital art business I can take orders from anywhere. i really dont want to sit down for hours doing social media stuff not a big fan. plz what/who do you recommend to help me. cheers maggie

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Easily change the height and layout of the shelves any time as your plants grow or the items you want to showcase change with this handy pegboard finished in Resene Colorwood Whitewash. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.

Create a Customizable Pegboard Shelf for Your Plants and Decor with These Easy Steps!
Easily change the height and layout of the shelves any time as your plants grow or the items you want to showcase change with this handy pegboard finished in Resene Colorwood Whitewash. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.