Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities

Community Organisation

Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities
80 Boulcott Street
Wellington 6011
1712 days ago

New homes for Kilbirnie, Wellington

The Team from Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities

We're looking to build 60 modern, warm homes at 619-631 Evans Bay Pde to replace 20 homes currently there. Find out more about this proposed development at two community drop-in sessions on 23 and 30 July from 3 - 6pm, at Kilbirnie Community Centre, 56-68 Bay Rd, Kilbirnie (next to Farmers). … View moreWe're looking to build 60 modern, warm homes at 619-631 Evans Bay Pde to replace 20 homes currently there. Find out more about this proposed development at two community drop-in sessions on 23 and 30 July from 3 - 6pm, at Kilbirnie Community Centre, 56-68 Bay Rd, Kilbirnie (next to Farmers). Drop in any time.

More info at www.kaingaora.govt.nz...

1784 days ago

Arlington housing site update

The Team from Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities

A heads up that from next week at the Arlington housing site you may notice safety fencing, surveying and soil testing activity from our contractors.

They’ll be getting ready for demolition from July, after which we’ll be building around 300 modern, warm and quality homes over the next few … View more
A heads up that from next week at the Arlington housing site you may notice safety fencing, surveying and soil testing activity from our contractors.

They’ll be getting ready for demolition from July, after which we’ll be building around 300 modern, warm and quality homes over the next few years.

Thanks for your patience as we prepare to build these much needed homes for Wellingtonians.

Any questions or for more information, please contact Renee Regal on 021 998 724 or 0800 801 601 or email renee.regal@kaingaora.govt.nz

1835 days ago

POSTPONED - Bothamley Park Community Clean-up

The Team from Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities

We’ve made the decision to postpone the Bothamley Park Community Clean-up.

As you all know, COVID-19 (coronavirus) is a serious developing situation across Aotearoa and the world, with new advice coming out each day.

The most important thing for us is to look after the health and wellbeing of … View more
We’ve made the decision to postpone the Bothamley Park Community Clean-up.

As you all know, COVID-19 (coronavirus) is a serious developing situation across Aotearoa and the world, with new advice coming out each day.

The most important thing for us is to look after the health and wellbeing of our community and do everything we can to make sure everybody stays safe during these uncertain times. Let’s work together to protect and care for one another. Thank you for your interest in joining us for the clean-up and your understanding about it being postponed – we’ll be in touch down the track to let you know when it’s going ahead.


We’re teaming up with Porirua City Council, the Bothamley Park crew and the community to help clean up Bothamley Park – the green heart of Porirua. Bothamley Park is a stunning green space with ecological links to Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour, Pāuatahanui Inlet and Belmont Regional Park and has around 500 neighbours. The community clean-up event is an opportunity for those neighbours and others who use the park to come together and show the park a little care. March 28 falls within the dates for Neighbours Day Aotearoa 2020.

Come along and help us give this much-loved community space a spruce up. We’ll provide rubbish bags, gloves for the clean-up and some kai to share.

WHEN: Saturday 28 March, 1–4 pm

WHERE: Meet at Bothamley Park entrance off­ Warspite Ave (opposite 118 Warspite Ave).

To let us know you’re coming, please email info@poriruadevelopment.co.nz

Nau mai, haere mai – all are welcome.

1946 days ago

What's hot and what's not in Porirua? 🔥

The Team from Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities

Drop a pin on a map and tell us about what's hot and what's not for you in eastern Porirua on the Porirua Development's Social Pinpoint page. You can take a quick survey and tell us what you think about town centres, getting around, public transport, housing, Bothamley Park, biking … View moreDrop a pin on a map and tell us about what's hot and what's not for you in eastern Porirua on the Porirua Development's Social Pinpoint page. You can take a quick survey and tell us what you think about town centres, getting around, public transport, housing, Bothamley Park, biking and lots more. 🏘️🌳🚴
Tap the link to have your say 👇

1947 days ago

We want to know how you get around Eastern Porirua

The Team from Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities

How do you get around eastern Porirua? Do you cycle, walk, skateboard or scoot, travel by car or take the bus? We're keen to find out how you get places and what would make it easier to get around. We have some super-quick questions for you to answer. Just hit the link and tap on the topic on … View moreHow do you get around eastern Porirua? Do you cycle, walk, skateboard or scoot, travel by car or take the bus? We're keen to find out how you get places and what would make it easier to get around. We have some super-quick questions for you to answer. Just hit the link and tap on the topic on the left hand side. Easy. 👇

  • Officials
  • The Team Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities
  • The Team Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities