Foot It campaign is getting results nationwide - how about in our neighbourhood?
It's going to be a beautiful morning pretty much everywhere in the country - so let's get as many kids and their families as possible out of their cars and walking/riding/scooting for this morning's school run. Tell us about it: what are you going to do; how does it work for you? How does it differ from your memories of footing it to school as a kid?
An important plank of our Foot It campaign this year has been to encourage councils to lower speed limits outside schools. Families and schools have been enthusiastic about our initiatives to make it easier for kids to get out of the car. And when we wrote to all New Zealand's mayors in February, they offered resounding support: many wrote back promising to do their best to lower speeds, but cautioning that their hands were tied by NZ Transport Agency rules that (extraordinarily) stood in the way of lower speed limits.
Now, the Government has stepped up too: Associate transport minister Craig Foss has announced new Speed Management Guidelines that will make it simpler for councils to lower speeds on the roads that are busiest with cyclists and pedestrians. Read more from this weekend's Sunday Star-Times: www.stuff.co.nz...
We welcome this. So last week, we wrote to the mayors again (many of whom are new to the roles after the local body elections) challenging them to commit to putting lower speed limits outside schools on their council agendas in the first half of 2017. The Sunday Star-Times and Stuff will report their responses, whether they be good or gutless.
It's not just about the Government and councils, though: it's about taking responsibility as communities and individuals. So take the initiative: bylaw or no bylaw, if enough of us voluntarily slow down as we drive past schools in our towns and neighbourhoods, that will slow other traffic and make our streets safer for our kids.
TODAY'S WEATHER: We've attached the MetService rain map for this morning. In short, it's a great day to walk, ride or scoot to school with your kids, anywhere in the country. But this afternoon, a pile of rain is going to land, splash, in the middle of the North Island and Hawke's Bay. Don't say you weren't warned ....
THE FOOT IT PLEDGE: We're all busy - but many of us can find ONE day a week when we can scoot or walk with our kids to school. So make the pledge!
Join one of our Neighbourly Foot It clubs - the Monday Club, Tuesday Club, Wednesday Club, Thursday Club or Friday Club – and you'll go into the draw to win one of 50 Micro scooters, valued at up to $179.95 each. www.neighbourly.co.nz...
* Families: Choose one day a week when you walk, scoot or ride with your kids to and from school.
* Schools: Set up walking buses, with parents and volunteers helping local kids get to class safely.
* Councils: Create and enforce lower speed zones outside every school.
TELL US YOUR STORIES: What's the most memorable experience you or your kids have had while commuting to school? Share your story at Stuff Nation and go into the draw for 20 more Micro scooters. www.stuff.co.nz...
BE SAFE: Tips for a safe school run. www.microscooters.co.nz...

A reminder to drive safer
Police are reminding motorists of the importance around following distances following a multi-vehicle crash on the Dunedin Southern Motorway yesterday.
Senior Sergeant Karl Hemmingsen, Otago Coastal Area Road Policing Manager, said Police responded to a three-vehicle crash on the Dunedin Southern Motorway at Fairfield around 8:20am this morning.
“Luckily, there were no serious injuries sustained in the crash, however it did create significant disruption for motorists, with a few people likely to be late for work this morning.
“The road has been cleared and since reopened; however, it is a good reminder of the impact sunstrike can have on our morning commutes this time of year.
“Police are asking motorists to keep their following distances in mind when driving to your destination, a larger gap between you and the car in front of you is often the difference in being able to safely stop, or crashing into the car in front of you, if they stop abruptly," Senior Sergeant Hemmingsen said.
This morning has already seen six crashes causing disruption to motorists across the Southern District, with variable conditions across the Southland, Otago Coastal and Otago Lakes areas.
This is an urgent reminder to pay close attention when driving on the roads, and drive to the conditions, increase following distances, slow down, and put your distractions away.
We want to see everyone getting to their destinations safely.

Do you have a great recipe for pears?
Kia ora neighbours. We give away free copies to readers whose recipes are used in our magazine, and we're still on the hunt for pear recipes! Send your family's favourite way to use up this delicious fruit, to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz, by the end of this week . If we use it in the mag, you will receive a free copy of the April issue.

Poll: Would you use a pet cemetery?
Dave Stephens has created a pet cemetery on his land.
The 10-acre site in Albany, Auckland, features graves nestled among beautifully manicured gardens and unique art pieces, offering a serene space where visitors can pay their respects in their own way.
Is a local pet cemetery something you think you would use? Share your thoughts below.

31.3% Yes
67.1% No
1.6% Other - I'll share below