Waimakariri District Council

Community Organisation

Waimakariri District Council
16 days ago

Kippenberger Ave and East Belt Urbanisation

The Team from Waimakariri District Council

Rangiora is currently experiencing continual residential and commercial growth with Kippenberger Avenue being one of the main multi-modal routes into the town centre and surrounding residential areas with some key links currently not in place.

The Kippenberger Avenue Urbanisation Project will … View more
Rangiora is currently experiencing continual residential and commercial growth with Kippenberger Avenue being one of the main multi-modal routes into the town centre and surrounding residential areas with some key links currently not in place.

The Kippenberger Avenue Urbanisation Project will cater for future growth by providing safe and accessible links to the Rangiora Town Centre and beyond, while also reflecting the future urban nature of the area.

17 days ago

Butchers Road Ford & Footbridge

The Team from Waimakariri District Council

Corde will begin soon work to fill in the historic Butchers Road ford to address ongoing issues with stagnant water and mosquitoes.

To complete this work safely, the Butchers Road Footbridge will be closed to public access from Monday 3 March to Friday 7 March.

25 days ago

Raven Quay Water and Sewer Main Renewals - Update

The Team from Waimakariri District Council

From Monday 17 February, Ongrade will begin phase two of the Raven Quay water and sewer main renewals.

Our contractors will be closing off the footpath on the east side of Williams Street bridge and vehicle entry to Raven Quay lane outside the Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre for four weeks.

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From Monday 17 February, Ongrade will begin phase two of the Raven Quay water and sewer main renewals.

Our contractors will be closing off the footpath on the east side of Williams Street bridge and vehicle entry to Raven Quay lane outside the Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre for four weeks.

This is so our contractors can complete the receiving pit for the installation of the pressure sewer, and to also weld up the PE pipe strings ready for installation from 24 February.

Drivers can still access the Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre carpark from Hilton Street.

39 days ago

Pegasus - Minor Stormwater Improvements

The Team from Waimakariri District Council

We’re carrying out drainage improvements at the intersection of Kuta Street and Pegasus Main Street.
