1373 days ago

Gentle Exercise classes - June / July timetable

Deb from Kilbirnie

Exercise classes primarily for Seniors, but all ages and abilities welcome. Read more about each class below.

o Every Monday, Kilbirnie Community Centre - $5

o Every Tuesday, 5pm, Kilbirnie Community Centre - $5

o Every Wednesday, 2pm, on Zoom - $5

This class is funded by Tu Ora Compass Health - suggested koha $2
o 17 June - Strathmore Park Community Centre
o 24 June - Seatoun Village Hall
o 1 July - Strathmore Park Community Centre
o 8 July - Strathmore Park Community Centre
o 15 July - Seatoun Village Hall
o 22 July - Seatoun Village Hall
o 29 July - Strathmore Park Community Centre
o From August on, all classes at Strathmore Park until further notice


50 minutes of gentle exercises set to music. 2 songs standing, the rest seated in chairs. Aims of the class: Gentle exercise for those who can't exercise standing up / Prevent joint stiffness & maintain joint and muscle mobility / Have fun!

Suitable for various forms of arthritis, recovery from strokes or heart attacks, chronic fatigue, MS, seniors easing back into exercise and more.


Playing with poi is a lot of fun! Spin Poi can be done sitting or standing and is suitable for almost everyone. Inspired by traditional poi, it has been adapted to be a safe and effective exercise, especially for older populations. On top of the usual benefits of exercise, typically people will see improvements in grip strength, attention, focus, balance and coordination.

No need to book. Poi provided. Or there some new sets available for sale if you want your own personal set. The class is suitable for beginners to intermediate. It is 45 minutes long and we cover:
o Welcome, safety reminders & warm up
o Practice poi movements
o Playtime! 20-25 minutes of poi to music
o Cool down

Ask me more about any of the classes!

More messages from your neighbours
18 days ago

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Brighten our day, and show us a glimpse into your world, neighbours.

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1 hour ago

Community Comms Collective Workshop

Olivia from Volunteer Wellington

Want to write clearer, more effective communications? Join us for a free interactive workshop with Community Comms Collective and discover how plain language can boost equity, trust and efficiency for your organisation!

Led by the inspiring Thomas McGrath from Write Group, this session will give you practical tools to write clearer emails and reports, save time and make your messages more impactful. Can’t make it in person? A recording will be available afterward.

12 hours ago

Warning: These riddles might blow your mind🤯 Try them if you dare! 🚀

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

What rock group consists of four famous men, but none of them sing?

Do you think you know the answer? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.

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