Poll: Are swear words no longer?
In 2023, Apple amended its autocorrect function to allow Iphone users to freely use their intended word without mentioning 'ducks'. Is this a sign of the times? Are swear words no longer taboo in our communities or workplaces?
Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.
20.8% Yes - swear words don't phase me
48.5% No - it's still inappropriate to swear
30% It's depends on the word
0.8% Other - I'll share below!
Poll: Do you have a pet at home?
Neighbourly members LOVE their pets, whether it's a smoochy cat, a trusty pup or even a feathered friend.
We'd like to know how many of you who see this post actually have a pet at home. Let us know in the poll below!
73.7% Yes - I have a pet / multiple pets
7.7% Not currently, but one day!
18.6% Nope, I live in a pet-free home
Ever dreamed of having a 'powder room'?
Get on a roll and make your powder room pop with personality with Resene wallpaper, Resene Foundry and Resene Alabaster. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.
Bridge Lessons
Learn to play Bridge - 13 Lessons starting on 4th March at the Taupo Bridge Clubrooms - 130 Tauhara Road at 9-11am or 7-9pm.
Learn a new skill - have fun - meet new people.
Please phone 02108918652 to enrol or discuss or
email taupobridge@xtra.co.nz