76 days ago

Tea Lights Holder

Sue from Pahurehure

Stands 35 cm high to highest point
Each tealight sits in a thick glass cone
No idea what the metal is

Pickup at Papakura.

If interested contact 021 0459 457, thanks
If messaging me on this site please give me your number and I will contact you.

Price: $15

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7 days ago

For a bit of fun, neighbours.

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

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26 minutes ago

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1 hour ago

Dog poo Wetlands

Roy from Takanini

Please people pick up your dog Shiite I know your not stupid are you? It’s a bloody disgraceful behaviour leaving dog poo on the walkway, families with kids go through there daily.
Disgusting behaviour from humans!!!!
Better still council should provide poo bins for humans to use.
