1174 days ago

Pioneering a new way of living

The people who live in Ryman villages remain true to themselves, whether that’s continuing with their passion, making the most of every minute, challenging themselves to learn something new, or surrounding themselves with people who like to have fun.
As Lynette, a resident at Edmund Hilary village, says “A lot of people still believe that you're going to a rest home. They don't know the concept of a retirement village. You go there, it's beautiful. You've got facilities. You've got activities. And you don't stop living.”
Retirement is a chapter of life that’s filled with possibility. Choose the lifestyle you want to live and proudly embrace every opportunity. It’s what Ryman residents do.
Learn more

More messages from your neighbours
2 days ago

Best way to use leftovers?

The Team from

I'm sure you've got some excess ham at home or cold roast potatoes.

What are some of your favourite ways to use leftover food from Christmas day? Share below.

10 days ago

Poll: Would you rather: Christmas in summer forever or winter forever?

The Team from

Just a bit of a fun poll to get you thinking.

If you had to live out your Christmas days, would you prefer it was a summer Christmas or a winter Christmas?

Would you rather: Christmas in summer forever or winter forever?
  • 62.3% Summer
    62.3% Complete
  • 36.3% Winter
    36.3% Complete
  • 1.4% Other - I'll share below
    1.4% Complete
1646 votes
1 day ago

Fair play


Whether it’s a playhouse, she shed or teenager’s sleepout, a stencil-painted floor in Resene Clockwork Orange will elevate it from meh to wow. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions. Find out more
