Taking just a moment ...
Hello one and all.
In these trying and testing ('scuse the pun) times, we are all on edge, all getting down to our last nerve with patience for ... well, we all have our thresholds for each and every opinion out there.
I personally have been going through something horrible, like so many others out there.
My responses here may not have been well thought out and to those who I annoyed, please accept my sincere apologies.
This post however, is just me reaching out to thank every single person involved on the front line of this dreadful virus.
That includes the testers, the security people, the Police, the whole medical front line workers.
To those working furiously behind the scenes to get the test results out in a fast but efficient manner, thank you as well.
To the wonderful people who are manning the phones within the MOH call centres, calling people, following up with advice or a shoulder to cry on or even having a huge laugh with, bless your hearts.
To you all, your work is outstanding - keep up the excellent work.
Let's NOT lose sight of those people who are working furiously to try and keep us all healthy at the possible expense of their own health.
Please, be sensible and keep to the rules that are set down.
They are set down to keep you and everyone you love safe and well.
Buy doing this, we will in turn make all of those hard working frontline and essential workers daily routines and lives, so much easier.

Poll: Would you use a pet cemetery?
Dave Stephens has created a pet cemetery on his land.
The 10-acre site in Albany, Auckland, features graves nestled among beautifully manicured gardens and unique art pieces, offering a serene space where visitors can pay their respects in their own way.
Is a local pet cemetery something you think you would use? Share your thoughts below.

31.3% Yes
67.1% No
1.5% Other - I'll share below

Neighbourly Q&A: Consumer rights with CAB's Andrew Hubbard
What can you do if you buy something that breaks soon after you buy it? It's time for another helpful Q&A.
This week we have Andrew Hubbard from Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CABNZ) who will be answering your questions about your consumer rights.
A little bit about Andrew:
Dr Andrew Hubbard is deputy chief executive of Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CAB) and loves working for the CAB so much that he’s been there for more than fifteen years.
Andrew believes in the difference people can make working together in the community and loves being able to support the work of the more than 2000 CAB volunteers across the motu. Andrew’s background is in policy and he’s been actively involved in consumer issues for the fifteen years he’s been at the CAB.
Andrew and the CAB team are ready to answer your questions about your consumer rights. This might be questions about when you can get a refunds, your rights when buying via Facebook or overseas, product delivery issues and what to do if a retailer won't sort a problem out for you. Ask away!
Andrew will be here live on Wednesday at 9.30am, but go ahead, and add your question below now ⇩

Got a minute?💡Try this riddle and let’s see how clever you really are! 🧐
I am silent, yet I speak;
I can open minds but cannot open myself;
I contain worlds but have no life—
What am I?
Do you think you know the answer? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.
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