Community COVID-19 swabbing centre re-opens - Mobile testing centre hits the road
A dedicated community-based swabbing centre for COVID-19 is back up and running in Thames, supported by a Mobile Testing clinic, which will travel to rural areas throughout the Hauraki.
The Thames testing station will be run from the carpark of health provider Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki at 210 Richmond Street.
Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki General Practitioner Martin Mikaere, who is the Clinical Lead for the Thames clinic, says the testing centre is open to everyone in the community, but they must phone ahead first, so that the dedicated team are prepared for their arrival.
“Anybody who suspects they have COVID-19 must ring the clinic in advance on Freephone 0508 835 676 (0508tekorowai) and further directions will be given thereafter,” he says.
People must remain in their cars on arrival until they are seen by one of the Te Korowai health team. They must not come into the clinic.
The Thames clinic will be open for testing Monday to Friday from 9am-12noon and 1-4pm; and this Saturday and Sunday 9-3pm. We will notify of arrangements for next week as we learn more about the Government’s plans.
The same procedure applies to people attending the Mobile Clinics – they will need to remain in their cars until they are triaged and assessed for swabbing.
The Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki Mobile Clinic timetable is: Thursday, August 13 - Harataunga School House driveway 9-11am; Manaia Marae,
1-3pm.Friday, Friday, August 14 - Waihi Marae 9-11am; Paeroa 1-3pm. Monday, August 17 - Kerepēhi Marae 9-11am, Kaiaua 1-3pm.
The Thames Whānau Health Centre and mobile clinic will only be operating as COVID-19 testing centres. Anyone who is unwell for conditions not related to COVID-19 must phone their regular GP, who will give instructions as to procedure.
COVID-19 symptoms are similar to a range of other illnesses such as the flu and include fever, coughing, body aches, fatigue and difficulty breathing.
For updates and more information, go to our Facebook Page: Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki or website: www.korowai.co.nz... , or visit the Ministry of health website www.health.govt.nz...

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