Raumati Beach School - Second Hand Uniform Sale
Raumati Beach School students past and present - Just a reminder our second hand uniform sale is this Thursday.
If you have uniform that your student no longer wears or you no longer attend RBS, donations are greatly appreciated. Sales will be held once a term, so please drop off to the school office throughout the year. Thank you.
Best way to use leftovers?
I'm sure you've got some excess ham at home or cold roast potatoes.
What are some of your favourite ways to use leftover food from Christmas day? Share below.
Lola a small white and brown jack russell has gone missing from PUKENAMU ROAD TE HORO Monday 23 December at 4pm. she weighs 5.5kg, has one pink eye rim and one brown. Manly white with a few brown spots If found please call 021 61 61 90