Friday Quiz
It's the first Friday of the month on the 6th - time for the monthly Quiz at P N Senior Citz , 309 Main Street ( next to Davis Trading ) .
Starts at 12.30 . 2 hours of question - some easy / some not .
$3 entry , afternoon tea included .
You are invited . Hope to see you there .
Looking for Lemons
Hi lovely Neighbours,
I am looking for someone with a lemon tree, I would love to come and get a few if possible please.
Best way to use leftovers?
I'm sure you've got some excess ham at home or cold roast potatoes.
What are some of your favourite ways to use leftover food from Christmas day? Share below.
Unwanted lawnmowers
Hi.i am looking for lawnmowers going or not that you want pick up..021665838.thankyou