Lynmouth - Moturoa, New Plymouth

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1708 days ago

Holiday in NZ


Need a break? Live more with less energy. Explore our NZ paradise, and enjoy a low-carbon holiday. Find out more

1708 days ago

Back Pain?


Then come see the new Teeter X3 inversion table.

We have been travelling the country every year, showing people who have had serious long term back or neck pain how to finally sort it and keep it sorted.

We will be at the New Plymouth Bridge Club in Hobson street on Saturday and Sunday the … View more
Then come see the new Teeter X3 inversion table.

We have been travelling the country every year, showing people who have had serious long term back or neck pain how to finally sort it and keep it sorted.

We will be at the New Plymouth Bridge Club in Hobson street on Saturday and Sunday the 11th and 12th July from 10 until 4, at the one and only Back Pain Expo in Taranaki this year.No appointment needed, just show up and we will give you a free treatment and show you how it all works.

If you are like a lot of people who have given up and just decided to live with it then especially come along because these really work.
Visit us online

1708 days ago

Renga Renga lillies

Neil from Brooklands - Vogeltown

Lillies available, 28 per tray, can split trays.
Good plants ready to go, approx 25 cm high from the top of the pot
Hardened off.
Great ground cover, good under semi shade and the open.
Pick up Brooklands
$2.00 per plant

Price: $2

1708 days ago

Family needing or wanting to come back to NZ!

Carole Garnham from Go4iT Travel - Carole Garnham

Have had a few requests from kiwi overseas wanting to get back to New Zealand of which I have been able to help. It is a minefield with paper work to be completed, rules and regulations changing constantly. Anyone needing assistance for their family please give me a call as now is not the time to … View moreHave had a few requests from kiwi overseas wanting to get back to New Zealand of which I have been able to help. It is a minefield with paper work to be completed, rules and regulations changing constantly. Anyone needing assistance for their family please give me a call as now is not the time to be dabbling with arrangements online.

1708 days ago

How eco-friendly is your grocery shopping?

Jo Haywood Reporter from Homed

Most of us like to think we're doing what we can to lessen our impact on the environment, but how green is your weekly shop?

Beyond the eco-swaps you’ve probably already made, here are some of … View more
Most of us like to think we're doing what we can to lessen our impact on the environment, but how green is your weekly shop?

Beyond the eco-swaps you’ve probably already made, here are some of the least eco-friendly grocery store items to steer clear of next time you're loading up your trolley, with minimal disruption to your routine.

1709 days ago

Want to help New Zealand recover?

Student Job Search

Keen to support your community and whānau?

Enjoy diverse and challenging work?

Are you a recent graduate or about to graduate?

It’s a time of unprecedented change with Covid-19 so we are looking for graduates from all degree backgrounds who truly want to make a difference to New … View more
Keen to support your community and whānau?

Enjoy diverse and challenging work?

Are you a recent graduate or about to graduate?

It’s a time of unprecedented change with Covid-19 so we are looking for graduates from all degree backgrounds who truly want to make a difference to New Zealand and New Zealanders.

The GovTechTalent graduate programme in Wellington gives you the opportunity to change things for the better, while also shaping your own career path so don’t get left behind - apply for GovTechTalent today!
Learn more

1709 days ago

Poll: Relying on Family/ Friends

Manager from Coronation Lodge Rest Home

How much do you feel that you can rely on your family to be there in a time of need? Would you say a great deal, quite a bit,moderate, not at all.

Relying on Family/ Friends
  • 58.3% Great deal / Quite a bit
    58.3% Complete
  • 16.7% A moderate amount
    16.7% Complete
  • 25% Only a little / Not at all
    25% Complete
24 votes
1710 days ago

Petrol wood Chipper Wanted

Stephen from Glen Avon - Waiwhakaiho

Hi Im looking to buy a petrol wood chipper that can deal with 30 to 40 mm diameter branches. See whats out there Ph 027 248 7820 Cheers

1710 days ago


Chris from Hurworth

Taranaki Beekeepers Club Beginners course starts tomorrow, Monday 6th July, at 7pm at the Baptist Church Hall on South Rd.
All Welcome.
Phone Chris on 027 444 8200 for any further details.

