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Naturopathic consultations for any health or wellness issue. Remedies, dietary and lifestyle advice.
Applied Kinesiology
The tool of muscle testing is used to decide on the best remedies for your specific complaint.
Bowen Therapy
Gentle but purposeful fascia release for pain, discomfort, stress relief, hormonal imbalance.
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Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
“Bowen for babies is the most gentle and non-invasive body treatment ever.”
“I wasn’t sure about it, but my baby has benefitted so much of just a few treatments.”
👶I have so many mothers come to me saying they love the gentle approach of Bowen for their newborns, babies and toddlers.… View more“Bowen for babies is the most gentle and non-invasive body treatment ever.”
“I wasn’t sure about it, but my baby has benefitted so much of just a few treatments.”
👶I have so many mothers come to me saying they love the gentle approach of Bowen for their newborns, babies and toddlers.
👶I have an equal amount of mothers tell me they were not aware the discomfort their child was in until they were much more comfortable after Bowen.
👶And I have had a lot of mothers thank me for helping their baby significantly reduce the spilling and wind pain.
If this has peaked your interest, have a look at my short video below by clicking on the [READ MORE] box. This will lead you to the clinic page on facebook where the video is.
Remember, you can book your baby in at my home clinic, as well as in Westown at Flourish Taranaki on Tuesday mornings, if that suits you better💚Here is the booking link:
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
🥳🤩🥳Discount time!!!!🥳🤩🥳
For the final week of March, I will discount $5 off each Bowen session for adults.
If you have been on the fence about whether Bowen might be for you, or if you are overdue for a session, now is your chance to save a little, but get all the benefit of … View more🥳🤩🥳Discount time!!!!🥳🤩🥳
For the final week of March, I will discount $5 off each Bowen session for adults.
If you have been on the fence about whether Bowen might be for you, or if you are overdue for a session, now is your chance to save a little, but get all the benefit of Bowen. 💚😊
Here’s the link to book your session between the 24th and 28th of March:
See you soon!
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
Imagine your nervous system like a computer running background programs.
Stress, posture, and past experiences can create patterns that stay "on" even when you’re trying to relax.
That tight neck or achy back?
Sometimes it’s not just about the muscles — it can also be about… View moreImagine your nervous system like a computer running background programs.
Stress, posture, and past experiences can create patterns that stay "on" even when you’re trying to relax.
That tight neck or achy back?
Sometimes it’s not just about the muscles — it can also be about how your nervous system has adapted over time.
Bowen Therapy works with the body in a way that invites change, offering a chance to reset and unwind (to the best of its ability).
- Bowen Training Australia -
Book your first session here:
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
"You fixed an issue we didn't know he had."
This is a comment I often hear when mothers bring their newborn or baby in for Bowen Therapy.
The gentle Bowen Therapy often results in a reduction of crying and unsettledness, and an improvement in feeding, burping and wind issues.
… View more"You fixed an issue we didn't know he had."
This is a comment I often hear when mothers bring their newborn or baby in for Bowen Therapy.
The gentle Bowen Therapy often results in a reduction of crying and unsettledness, and an improvement in feeding, burping and wind issues.
The awesome Flourish Taranaki has again opened their beautiful space on 12 Omata Road in Westown for me to offer Bowen for Babies on Tuesday mornings.
If you want to see me there, feel free to connect with me here, or book online, choosing the “Flourish option” 👶💚
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
"You fixed an issue we didn't know he had."
This is a comment I often hear when mothers bring their newborn or baby in for Bowen Therapy.
The gentle Bowen Therapy often results in a reduction of crying and unsettledness, and an improvement in feeding, burping and wind issues.
… View more"You fixed an issue we didn't know he had."
This is a comment I often hear when mothers bring their newborn or baby in for Bowen Therapy.
The gentle Bowen Therapy often results in a reduction of crying and unsettledness, and an improvement in feeding, burping and wind issues.
👶So if your baby gets upset when their arm needs to be put into the cardigan,
👶or when they only lie with their head turned to one side,
👶or when they categorically start screaming when being put into the capsule,
👶or when they latch well on one side, but totally don't on the other,
👶if they struggle with wind,
👶if they start crying when you touch their heads,
👶or if they had a traumatic birthing process,
you might want to try Bowen Therapy for them. It might just be what they need💚
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
Pain will put you into stress mode, into fight-or-flight. It tightens your muscles and locks your breathing.
No rest, repair or restore can happen when we are in fight-flight.
This is why Bowen Therapy is different from many modalities. It works with gentle moves, and most of the time, works … View morePain will put you into stress mode, into fight-or-flight. It tightens your muscles and locks your breathing.
No rest, repair or restore can happen when we are in fight-flight.
This is why Bowen Therapy is different from many modalities. It works with gentle moves, and most of the time, works below the pain threshold.
It helps to stimulate your body into repair and restore, and avoid further fight and flight.
The clinic is open throughout January, reach out to book an appointment or use the online booking link to find the best day and time for you💚
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
✅Bowen Therapy can support you with pain and discomfort of old injuries.
✅It can support you with pain and recovery from recent injuries.
✅It can result in significant reduction in pain and increase in flexibility.
✅It can result in improved movement.
✅And it also can support deep … View more✅Bowen Therapy can support you with pain and discomfort of old injuries.
✅It can support you with pain and recovery from recent injuries.
✅It can result in significant reduction in pain and increase in flexibility.
✅It can result in improved movement.
✅And it also can support deep relaxation, resulting in better sleep, better moods and better ability to cope with stress.
💚It’s worth trying Bowen Therapy.
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
Bowen Therapy for newborns, babies and young children facilitates fascia release and can support them after a traumatic pregnancy, birth, or first weeks of life.
It can be helpful in the following situations:
Discomfort, unsettled, crying/screaming a lot, vomiting/spilling, difficulty latching … View moreBowen Therapy for newborns, babies and young children facilitates fascia release and can support them after a traumatic pregnancy, birth, or first weeks of life.
It can be helpful in the following situations:
Discomfort, unsettled, crying/screaming a lot, vomiting/spilling, difficulty latching on, constipation or digestive upsets such as cramping, bloating or wind pain.
A Bowen session for your baby is very gentle, quick, and non-invasive. The gentle and purposeful moves can be performed through a thin layer of clothing and are usually tolerated very well. There is no manipulation involved.
Reach out if you want to know more or just book in via this link below.
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
“I feel straighter and taller… how is that possible?”
“I can lie flat on my back again without pain in my back.”
“Wow! I can walk better already!”
“This is AMAZING!”
These are the words of my clients, straight after their Bowen session. Pretty awesome eh…. 😊
I love … View more“I feel straighter and taller… how is that possible?”
“I can lie flat on my back again without pain in my back.”
“Wow! I can walk better already!”
“This is AMAZING!”
These are the words of my clients, straight after their Bowen session. Pretty awesome eh…. 😊
I love offering Bowen Therapy, it’s the closest I have been able to get to miracles in my (nearly!) 3 decades of work in the complementary health field 💚
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
Pain destroys your Joy.
Almost every person wanting Bowen Therapy is in pain. And they share how they cannot do the simplest things because of the pain:
😔They cannot stand long enough to cook a nice dinner for the family.
😔They cannot bend over so they cannot get their shoes on.
😔They … View morePain destroys your Joy.
Almost every person wanting Bowen Therapy is in pain. And they share how they cannot do the simplest things because of the pain:
😔They cannot stand long enough to cook a nice dinner for the family.
😔They cannot bend over so they cannot get their shoes on.
😔They cannot get up from the floor, so they don’t play with the grandkids.
😔They have stopped their hobby’s and sports.
😔They cannot walk in the bush or on the beach.
😔They cannot drive in the car for long.
😔They have to rest several hours a day, to relieve the pain.
😔They feel old, 😔they feel useless, 😔they feel like a burden to the family, 😔they feel despondent.
Bowen Therapy tends to be very helpful in relieving the pain. And relief of the pain, allows the energy to be put to something far more enjoyable:
🔥Something you choose,
💚something you love,
🫶something you share.
When you are in pain and you have not yet tried Bowen Therapy, reach out and we’ll discuss if its for you, or book yourself in here:
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
Bowen Therapy for babies can be incredibly helpful, not just for the baby, but also for the rest of the family.
Jarna's baby only had a few sessions and his improvement was such, that the whole family could function better.
Bowen Therapy can be helpful if the newborn or baby struggles with … View moreBowen Therapy for babies can be incredibly helpful, not just for the baby, but also for the rest of the family.
Jarna's baby only had a few sessions and his improvement was such, that the whole family could function better.
Bowen Therapy can be helpful if the newborn or baby struggles with reflux,
cries a lot,
is unsettled and unhappy,
cannot latch on well,
seems in pain in certain positions (will cry in the carseat, or won't feed on one side but will feed on the other)
and more.
If you know a mother whose baby is struggling, please let them know I offer Bowen Therapy for babies in my clinic. It is non-invasive, gentle and does not manipulate.
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
Bowen Therapy, the gentle body therapy;
So…… what is it, and what can it help you with?? 🤔
It works on your connective tissue and your nervous system, and in doing so, it helps reduce plain, increase range of motion and flexibility.
It can also be supportive when there is hormonal … View moreBowen Therapy, the gentle body therapy;
So…… what is it, and what can it help you with?? 🤔
It works on your connective tissue and your nervous system, and in doing so, it helps reduce plain, increase range of motion and flexibility.
It can also be supportive when there is hormonal imbalance or burnout.
It seems to be really useful for migraines, headaches, and vertigo.
For babies and children, it can work wonders on reflux, unsettledness, and hyperactivity, to name but a few.
Bowen is gentle, it can be given through light clothing, it does not manipulate, and it is very well tolerated by newborns right up to the elderly.
Have a look at this 5-minute video, as it explains everything you need to know.
I offer Bowen Therapy from my Naturopathic clinic and am happy to discuss your specific needs if you are interested in trying Bowen Therapy for yourself.
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
I love results like these!
The fascia release done with Bowen Therapy can be so effective after injuries.
It seems to reduce the recovery time, it seems to reduce the pain, and it gets people back at work, doing their best, in very little time.
Need some support with an old or recent injury … View moreI love results like these!
The fascia release done with Bowen Therapy can be so effective after injuries.
It seems to reduce the recovery time, it seems to reduce the pain, and it gets people back at work, doing their best, in very little time.
Need some support with an old or recent injury yourself? Reach out to discuss your situation, or book in at a time that suits.
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
Bowen Therapy for newborns, babies and young children can support them after a traumatic birth or during difficult first weeks/months of life.
It can be helpful in the following situations:
- Discomfort
- Unsettled
- Crying/screaming a lot
- Vomiting or spilling
- Difficulty latching on
- … View moreBowen Therapy for newborns, babies and young children can support them after a traumatic birth or during difficult first weeks/months of life.
It can be helpful in the following situations:
- Discomfort
- Unsettled
- Crying/screaming a lot
- Vomiting or spilling
- Difficulty latching on
- Tummy pain, such as cramp, bloating, wind pain.
- Crying when being put in the car seat.
A Bowen session for your baby is quick, non-invasive and very gentle. There is no manipulation involved.
If you feel your child is just not happy and comfortable, try Bowen Therapy for them. Just a few sessions often can greatly improve their wellness.
Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki
So many health issues benefit from Bowen Therapy. Why?
Because Bowen Therapy directly works on your fascia, your connective tissue.
And your connective tissue (you guessed it) connects all your tissues;
👉it binds every cell in your body to its neighbour,
👉your nervous system … View moreBingo!
So many health issues benefit from Bowen Therapy. Why?
Because Bowen Therapy directly works on your fascia, your connective tissue.
And your connective tissue (you guessed it) connects all your tissues;
👉it binds every cell in your body to its neighbour,
👉your nervous system communicates through your fascia,
👉your hormones too, and
👉your blood and lymph vessels also run through your fascia.
When your fascia is in good health, a lot of other body systems will also be able to function better.
If you have a "Bingo-moment" here, you might want to give Bowen a go.
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