Curtain Hooks & Replacement parts for sale
We sell ALL SORTS of replacement parts - from hooks to tilters to end caps to blind weights and everything in between! Pictured are our most commonly requested parts, but we have many others in our workshop for all types of blinds and brands. Get in touch with us if you need something - 0800 579 0501 or email us on admin@curtaincleaning.co.nz!

For a bit of fun, neighbours.
Have a good think about it, and let us know...
If you could invent one piece of technology to make life easier, what would it be?
Comment below with what you think would be a handy new invention - it may even already exist!

Wood Stacking.
Does any one know someone who can do some firewood stacking for me? Good pay. Probably an afternoons work. Pirimai. Napier.
FREE - 3 mature Agave plants free to whomever would like to come dig them out. Too big a job for me.