Over 200 banana boxes of second hand books in varying conditions FREE to new homes. Take as many as you can as the shop has to be empty Monday.
17a Latham Street (the Barber Shop next to the dairy)
this Sunday from 1.00pm
A gold coin donation to Cranford Hospice would be appreciated but not compulsory.
Queries to Anne 021 1302 859

Best way to use leftovers?
I'm sure you've got some excess ham at home or cold roast potatoes.
What are some of your favourite ways to use leftover food from Christmas day? Share below.

Fair play
Whether it’s a playhouse, she shed or teenager’s sleepout, a stencil-painted floor in Resene Clockwork Orange will elevate it from meh to wow. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.