Hutt City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Wellington Water are working on two projects that make up the most comprehensive flood mapping exercise in the city’s history.
The latest computer modelling techniques have been used to develop
draft flood hazard maps that depict stormwater and river flooding.
Now we need you to help finish the job. To make sure the finished
maps are as accurate as possible, we’d like you to tell us about flooding
events in your neighbourhoods and show us any photos you’ve got.
For further information on this project, go to: hutt.city/floodhazards
We’d also like your thoughts on other natural hazards like earthquakes, slips and erosion, and their impacts on our city.
We need this information as we prepare to draft a new district plan – the rule book for land use and development in Lower Hutt. And lastly, as part of the district plan review, we’d like to talk to you about residential development in the city, particularly your thoughts on what is a reasonable distance for people to walk from higher-density residential housing to train stations, shops and other facilities.

Lower Hutt Sister City Minoh Japan
Signing the agreement Lower Hutt with Minoh.
Mayor of day Glen Evans and Sister City President of the day Sandra Greig and Minoh Counterparts.
Lower Hutt recently celebrated our anniversary.

Poll: Would a new supermarket help NZ?
Nicola Willis will this weekend announce decisions taken by Cabinet to incentivise and encourage a third supermarket player alongside FoodStuffs and Progressive (Woolworths).
Do you think having a third supermarket chain will bring competition and lower grocery prices, or will the existing giants still dominate?

62.5% Yes, it will help
35.2% No, I doubt it'll make a difference
2.3% Depends - I'll share below