928 days ago

Hutt Homed - Out Now!

Jessica Zimmerman Reporter from Hutt Homed

Our House of the Week this week is a modernised 4-bedroom home with an easy to maintain yard and a kitchen with all the bells and whistles. For sale through Sarah Nuku from Professionals, you can read all about it on page 3 of Homed!

Looking for an agent to market your home?
Check Hutt Homed to find agents who are actively marketing in your area and chat to them about getting your property featured in Hutt Homed.

Distribution & Delivery:
Hutt Homed gets inserted into The Hutt News every Thursday, and is delivered to 42,423 homes in the Hutt area.

For more information:
Please ask your agent to contact Cameron Beattie on 021 973 105 or OR Niko Perez on 021 501 913 or

Not receiving your weekly delivery?
Please phone 0800 339000 or e mail

More messages from your neighbours
18 days ago

Show us what you've been up to...

The Team from

Brighten our day, and show us a glimpse into your world, neighbours.

We'd love to see some of the photos you've taken lately or any craft/DIY projects you're working on.

Simply add a photo below 📷🌅 🌻

1 hour ago

Community Comms Collective Workshop

Olivia from Volunteer Wellington

Want to write clearer, more effective communications? Join us for a free interactive workshop with Community Comms Collective and discover how plain language can boost equity, trust and efficiency for your organisation!

Led by the inspiring Thomas McGrath from Write Group, this session will give you practical tools to write clearer emails and reports, save time and make your messages more impactful. Can’t make it in person? A recording will be available afterward.

3 hours ago

OPEN Day 18 March 10am St Aug Britannia St

Sandra from Normandale

If you like to find something NEW to do totally taking you beyond your dreams.
Social Drama for Seniors.
Open day Tuesday 18 March 10am - 11-30am St Augustine Hall Britannia St Petone....$5 once joined and refreshments.
