Census Scam
This came from Citizens Advice Bureau Upper Hutt
Census scam
The Census 2018 team at Stats NZ has been alerted to a scam, in which the scammer phones up households pretending to be calling about the Census, and asks for personal and financial information.
Please note that the Census 2018 team will never ring people up to ask for personal information, including in relation to the Census.

For a bit of fun, neighbours.
Have a good think about it, and let us know...
If you could invent one piece of technology to make life easier, what would it be?
Comment below with what you think would be a handy new invention - it may even already exist!

Fun Zumba Fitness in Naenae Tonight
We have a regular Tuesday Zumba Class tonight at 6:30 pm, Treadwell Street Hall in Naenae. If you’ve never been to one of our classes before, come and try it out. Your first class is always FREE. Book here: www.stateofmotion.co.nz...

Hutt Heritage.
FoodTown Lower Hutt back in the day.
Today Noel Leamings and Number One Shoes, hence the car park.
Take me back to the prices of that day.