Are you using our 2021 Garden Diary?
Dear neighbours,
We're all working from home during this lockdown, not just to bring you your favourite gardening mag, but also our Garden Diary 2022! This is where we need your help: Show us how you've been using your 2021 Diary -- take photos of the pages, tell us what was most useful, did you have enough space to write your notes, what have you scribbled on the pages? Did you clip your plant labels on them? Perhaps shoot a little video with your phone as you turn the pages. Your feedback will help us put together next year's diary.
Please email your comments and photos to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz, by this Friday, Aug 27. The five most helpful readers will each receive a free copy of the 2022 diary.

Show us what you've been up to...
Brighten our day, and show us a glimpse into your world, neighbours.
We'd love to see some of the photos you've taken lately or any craft/DIY projects you're working on.
Simply add a photo below 📷🌅 🌻

Warning: These riddles might blow your mind🤯 Try them if you dare! 🚀
What rock group consists of four famous men, but none of them sing?
Do you think you know the answer? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.
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