1674 days ago

New Zealand is now at Alert Level 3

New Zealand Government

Alert Level 3 is a milestone in our struggle against COVID-19. We are all responsible for what happens next. Every contact we make is a chance for the virus to spread.

We could easily lose what we have gained. Our success, or failure, depends on the decisions that we’ll each make alone – but which in turn – will affect all of us.

Two weeks then a review
• On 11 May, we will review our progress and decide if we can safely continue to step down restrictions, or if more measures are required to protect us all.
• So the decisions we each make now, matter. Because every interaction we have is an opportunity for the virus to spread.

Keeping safe at Alert Level 3
• At Alert Level 3, the best way to keep those around you safe, is by keeping your bubble small. Interact with as few people as possible. Less people equals less risk. And continue to stay at home whenever you can.
• We should each be making the minimal number of trips. Be sure to stay local, and only make necessary trips.
• And importantly, work and learn from home if you can.

Let’s do this
We’re a team of 5 million. Formidable. And we can do this.
So thank you New Zealand for making the right decisions, when it really counts.
Find out more

More messages from your neighbours
5 days ago

Poll: Should all neighbours have to contribute to improvements?

The Team from

An Auckland court has ruled a woman doesn’t have to contribute towards the cost of fixing a driveway she shares with 10 neighbours.

When thinking about fences, driveways or tree felling, for example, do you think all neighbours should have to pay if the improvements directly benefit them?

Should all neighbours have to contribute to improvements?
  • 82.5% Yes
    82.5% Complete
  • 14.8% No
    14.8% Complete
  • 2.7% Other - I'll share below
    2.7% Complete
1781 votes
3 days ago

Live Q&A: Garden maintenance with Crewcut

The Team from

This Wednesday, we're having another Neighbourly Q&A session. This time with John Bracewell from Crewcut.

John Bracewell, former Black Caps coach turned Franchisee Development Manager and currently the face of Crewcut’s #Movember campaign, knows a thing or two about keeping the grass looking sharp—whether it’s on a cricket pitch or in your backyard!

As a seasoned Crewcut franchisee, John is excited to answer your lawn and gardening questions. After years of perfecting the greens on the field, he's ready to share tips on how to knock your garden out of the park. Let's just say he’s as passionate about lush lawns as he is about a good game of cricket!

John is happy to answer questions about lawn mowing, tree/hedge trimming, tidying your garden, ride on mowing, you name it! He'll be online on Wednesday, 27th of November to answer them all.

Share your question below now ⬇️

1 day ago

Riddle Alert! Who’s Up for Some Brain-Busting Fun?

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

4-letter word, always done tomorrow,
We’re out of tea, the ultimate sorrow!
Without the eye, you owe me some money,
No sugar no nectar no sweetness no honey,
4-letter word, if by chance you choose,
You can never win, you can only lose!
What is the 4-letter word?

Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.

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