2 days ago

Free. Looking for couple or individual to adopt our Misty.

Debi from Rototuna North

Looking for a couple or individual to adopt our Misty. Must be well meaning and respectful. Misty has been an 'indoor' therapy cat for us for 2 years now, since birth. She comes with all of her belongings as shown, plus food, toys, treats and litter. Misty is FREE to a well-meaning couple or individual. She is not use to children. She's chipped, de-sexed, and her nails are done every month by her vet. Interested parties can reply. Fully vaccinated to date. We are having to relocate and need to find a new home for her. We are sad to let her go, but she needs loving.


More messages from your neighbours
1 day ago

What's one highway or road that needs attention?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

We've all been on a summer roadie and experienced first-hand the state of our roads.

If you've ever been stuck in a summer traffic jam, had near-misses on dangerous turns or feared for your life on clifftops (while the car behind you is tail-gating!) - you may have an opinion on this one.

Tell us what main road or highway you think needs some serious attention across the country, and why!

43 minutes ago

Would you buy a cabin made from construction waste?

Libby Totton Reporter from Waikato Times

It started off as a rubbish idea - or an idea about what to do with rubbish - and 17 months later, it’s a architecturally-designed transportable studio cabin with, at the time of writing, a more than $5000 bid on auction website TradeMe.

The studio is the brainchild of Nine Thirty Architecture director John Hayes, who told the Waikato Times the inspiration came in the wake of seeing some neighbouring homes demolished.

Would you buy a cabin made from construction waste? Tell us your reasons in the comments (adding NFP if you don't want your words used in print).

7 days ago

For a bit of fun, neighbours.

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Have a good think about it, and let us know...

If you could invent one piece of technology to make life easier, what would it be?

Comment below with what you think would be a handy new invention - it may even already exist!
