Cardiovascular Risk Screening
Coronary heart disease and stroke is the Number 1 cause of death in NZ with 1 in 20 adults diagnosed.
Over 50% of hospitalisations with coronary artery disease (CAD)
have NORMAL cholesterol levels
There are significant, even lifesaving benefits in early detection of any issues with your heart and arteries.
Why is this test different?
This Gold Standard test uses the SphygmoCor® a scientifically validated TGA/FDA approved Pulse Wave Analyser (PWA), a non-invasive device, used in the top 20 hospitals in the USA.
This test not only looks at your Brachial (arm) blood pressure, it analyses your;
Central (aortic) heart pressure,
Peripheral (arteries) resistance,
Cardiac efficiency (SEVR) and
Abnormalities in heart rhythm (arrhythmia).
We will be able to show you an overview of your heart health and, if necessary, recommend very simple, achievable, pleasant, and low-cost ways to improve your heart health (think: “ increase your Omega 3”, “eat a piece of chocolate-a-day” type of interventions).
Book now,
Or call Katrina 02102319502
Poll: Are quality products on the decline?
Gift-giving looks a lot different these days when you can pick up super-cheap goods made overseas. But do they last?
Do you have any old items like appliances, electronics or clothing that have stood the test of time? Share below!
90.1% Yes
8.4% No
1.5% Other - I'll share below
BRAND NEW. Paid $275
Only a week old Bought from. STIHL
Not Suitable for Us
Selling At. $150
Must Pick Up from Northwood Ch Ch
STIHL. LAWN. EDGER and 3 Spools new Skin Only
Phone no. 0274487461. Judith
Missing CAT - Northcote | Leander Street - Missing since Nov 10th
SID is still missing! Please check your sheds and around your property! Thank you 🙂 Sid has been missing since 10th November around Leander Street, Northcote.
He snuck away after a stressful move into town, and so will likely be confused and a bit timid.
We are desperate to get him home, his bonded kitty companion (Dizzy) has been found and is missing him terribly. Please keep a look out! Thank You! - If spotted please message me here.