528 days ago

Canterbury leads COVID stats

Gordon from Halswell

This is just in case people are thinking Covid has gone away.
Canterbury is leading all the wrong stats, New cases and Deaths.
This is not scaremongering but perhaps we should be scared as it seems people are almost totally ignoring any safety measures as it does not exist while it is running riff.
Hundreds of people getting reinfected multiple times and often with really bad cases each time having to visit the hospital.
The stats are from today's Ministry of Health figures

More messages from your neighbours
12 hours ago

Q&A: Ask a question about...Online Safety

The Team from

Continuing with Neighbourly's online Q&A with experts in their field, this week we are tackling online safety with Jandy Fiske from Netsafe.

Jandy Fiske has been with Netsafe for nearly 8 years. Starting on their helpline, she's now Netsafe's Community Engagement Advisor. Jandy says: 'I'm passionate about online safety because I strongly oppose bullying and want to support those affected by it.'

Jandy is passionate about protecting vulnerable communities and is promoting online safety to ensure no one falls prey to online scams. She can answer your questions about any type of online scams, and also about online harm such as online bullying.

↓ Ask your question below now and she'll be online on Wednesday, 11th September to reply to you ↓

2 hours ago

Nest of two tables for sale

Lynda from Halswell

Nest of two tables
slot together
H-44 cm
W-42 cm
D-30 cm
$125 for the two tables.
Pick up only

4 hours ago

Monday 9th Sept

Ange Newman from Oaklands Toastmasters Club

This week(9th Sept 7.15pm)we have the esteemed Claire Minty as Toastmaster.
The theme is "I Used to Know That" - Let's Quiz.
We'll have a small pub quiz like segment - 10 questions (with prizes !!).
Feel free to join us and see if you know the answers ro the quiz.
Guests are always welcome.
Halswell Bowling Club, 301 Halswell Rd.