195 days ago

Have you made a nomination yet?


Let your community know how a small business has made a difference in your life by nominating them in the 2024 Prospa Local Business Hero awards.

Whether it's your super friendly barista, the bookstore that knows the exact book you need to read next or the florist with the biggest blooms in town nominate them now and make a small business' day.

Share a few words about your favourite local now. You could help them win an incredible prize package worth $10,000.
Nominate now

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14 hours ago

Q&A: Ask a question about...Online Safety

The Team from

Continuing with Neighbourly's online Q&A with experts in their field, this week we are tackling online safety with Jandy Fiske from Netsafe.

Jandy Fiske has been with Netsafe for nearly 8 years. Starting on their helpline, she's now Netsafe's Community Engagement Advisor. Jandy says: 'I'm passionate about online safety because I strongly oppose bullying and want to support those affected by it.'

Jandy is passionate about protecting vulnerable communities and is promoting online safety to ensure no one falls prey to online scams. She can answer your questions about any type of online scams, and also about online harm such as online bullying.

↓ Ask your question below now and she'll be online on Wednesday, 11th September to reply to you ↓

5 hours ago

Nest of two tables for sale

Lynda from Halswell

Nest of two tables
slot together
H-44 cm
W-42 cm
D-30 cm
$125 for the two tables.
Pick up only

21 hours ago

Room for Rent

Kithsiri from Halswell

The room for rent is $ 250/- per week in Kilmurry Street Halswell in a new house. Bus route # 7