134 days ago

Bad experience with carpet cleaners

Jackie from South New Brighton

I would like to share the bad experiences I have had over the past few weeks with a carpet cleaning company called Clean Globe. Twice in the last 10 weeks, I have made appointments for them to clean the carpets in my house, and both times they did not turn up, nor contact me soon after the expected time to explain or apologise.

The first appointment was in early Sept and I spent hours beforehand shifting all the small furniture so they had a clear run. This was difficult as I have a back disability and this heavy work caused a lot of pain which affected my mobility for a couple of days. Two large bird cages also had to be relocated out of the house.

However 45 minutes before they were due, I had a phone call to say they were running 60-90 minutes late, due to a van break down. I said I wasn’t happy as I would have to change a later appointment, but would have to accept it. Then nothing – no phone call, no arrival, no text!
I waited a day before putting a negative review on their website and immediately received a rather generic apology. Nothing more.

Then last week I received a marketing email extoling their virtues, so seeing red at their cheek, I sent back a very negative response telling them how I felt. Immediately I received a more genuine email, apologising and offering to come and clean my carpet free of charge, and they would shift all the small furniture themselves. Happy with this, and by way of a very pleasant phone call, I made another booking for yesterday, but still did quite a bit of heavy cleaning – skirting boards, cobwebs, etc. Bird cages were relocated again.

Did they turn up? Apology? Phone call? Nothing! I pulled up their confirmation email (which I had earlier accepted) and replied to it saying that it was a pity they hadn’t kept the appointment themselves.

This morning I found an email sent at 10.45 pm yesterday saying simply “Will come tomorrow at 12pm. Regards Ash”.

I have no desire to allow them to let me down a third time, and was going out, so replied by email and text to tell them not to come today and that I wanted nothing more to do with their company.
Now I have just received another generic marketing email saying how wonderful they are!
Not a good way to run a business Clean Globe!

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5 hours ago

Poll: What should happen to the cathedral?

The Team from

In August, restoration of the Christ Church Cathedral was put on hold. Church leaders have no idea when work might restart.

Last year, the Government declined to provide further funding beyond $25 million, and the church, who had raised $24m in donations and contributed $49m including insurance, said further public support will be required to find the revenue required.

What do you think the next steps should be for the cathedral?

What should happen to the cathedral?
  • 14.9% Keep waiting for more funding
    14.9% Complete
  • 27.7% Continue build, but with compromises
    27.7% Complete
  • 51.1% Demolish it!
    51.1% Complete
  • 6.4% Other - I'll share below
    6.4% Complete
47 votes
18 days ago

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14 hours ago

Warning: These riddles might blow your mind🤯 Try them if you dare! 🚀

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

What rock group consists of four famous men, but none of them sing?

Do you think you know the answer? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.

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