What are you growing now?
Dear neighbours,
We're looking for lockdown gardening ideas! With New Zealanders stuck at home everyone is keen to get into their gardens, but they can't get to the shops to buy plants and seeds. So we want to hear from you some suggestions for crops you can start or sow from what you have on hand or useful gardening hacks using just what you have at home already without going to the shops.
It doesn't have to be a big idea - just something like growing spring onions from the base or sprouting avocado seeds to make a houseplant. Send your tips and ideas to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz and we'll publish the best ideas in NZ Gardener.
Make sure you include your full name and address - only your name and the region you live in will be published but if we use your tip we will send you a free copy of the magazine.

Do you have a great recipe for pears?
Kia ora neighbours. We give away free copies to readers whose recipes are used in our magazine, and we're still on the hunt for pear recipes! Send your family's favourite way to use up this delicious fruit, to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz, by the end of this week . If we use it in the mag, you will receive a free copy of the April issue.

Let’s help you choose the perfect domain for your business.
Choosing the right domain name is a game-changer for your business.
But where do you even start? 🤔
Whether you're launching your first website or taking your side hustle to the next level, we’ve got you covered! JumpStarter’s guide breaks down everything you need to know — how to pick a domain that’s memorable, easy to find, and perfect for your brand.
Ready to get started? Let’s go!

Last call for entries to our Resene Shed of the Year 2025!
Take a look at Paul Bates' "surprisingly roomy" Tardis-inspired shed which took out our 2023 title, and if you reckon your shed is right up there, well, you could be in the running to win a robot lawnmower, Resene vouchers and a subscription to NZ Gardener. To enter, tell us why your garden shed is New Zealand's best, and send up to 5 high-quality photos to Resene Shed of the Year 2025, NZ Gardener PO Box 6341, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142. Or email to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz. Entries close February 23, 2025.