324 days ago

Understanding money is path to wellbeing

The Team from Momentum Waikato

Managing your own finances wisely is a life skill that is becoming ever more important for survival and wellbeing in the modern world, and yet many people don’t know how to make money work for them and often pay a high price for that lack of understanding.

Cambridge philanthropists John and Nicola Kenel see this knowledge gap as a serious issue for the wellbeing of individuals, families, communities and the nation. Treasury recommended in 2010 that financial literacy be added to the school curriculum, but with no sign of that actually happening, they decided to get on with actively supporting financial literacy training in the community.

So in mid-2022 they made a significant founding donation to establish the Waikato Financial Literacy Fund at Momentum Waikato. It offers grants for well-run local financial literacy programs for kids and teenagers, and providing access to relevant online tools and apps, such as ‘SquareOne’.

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1 hour ago

Poll: Would you use a pet cemetery?

The Team from

Dave Stephens has created a pet cemetery on his land.

The 10-acre site in Albany, Auckland, features graves nestled among beautifully manicured gardens and unique art pieces, offering a serene space where visitors can pay their respects in their own way.

Is this something you think you would use? Share your thoughts below.

Would you use a pet cemetery?
  • 0% Yes
    0% Complete
  • 0% No
    0% Complete
  • 0% Other - I'll share below
    0% Complete
0 votes
11 days ago

Show us what you've been up to...

The Team from

Brighten our day, and show us a glimpse into your world, neighbours.

We'd love to see some of the photos you've taken lately or any craft/DIY projects you're working on.

Simply add a photo below 📷🌅 🌻

4 days ago

Poll: Are speed bumps effective or just annoying?

The Team from

Speed bumps are a hot topic in many neighborhoods - they aim to slow down speeding drivers, but they also impact everyone on the road. In your opinion, do you think they do the trick or are they just an inconvenience?

Share your thoughts below.

Are speed bumps effective or just annoying?
  • 38.9% They do the job
    38.9% Complete
  • 59.2% I'm not a fan, they're just annoying!
    59.2% Complete
  • 1.9% Other - I'll share below
    1.9% Complete
2624 votes