MOTAT's July Weekends of Imagination activity invites youngsters to build their own cardboard Purerehua, a musical instrument known also known as a Bullroarer for the roaring sound it creates when played. The instrument consists of a flat paddle attached to a length of a string. Swing the string to spin the paddle and listen for the roar the instrument is named after.

Poll: Would a new supermarket help NZ?
Nicola Willis will this weekend announce decisions taken by Cabinet to incentivise and encourage a third supermarket player alongside FoodStuffs and Progressive (Woolworths).
Do you think having a third supermarket chain will bring competition and lower grocery prices, or will the existing giants still dominate?

61.5% Yes, it will help
35.7% No, I doubt it'll make a difference
2.7% Depends - I'll share below

Calling all riddle detectives 🕵️♀️ Can you crack the case?
I’m the smallest number divisible by every digit from 1 to 10 without a remainder—what am I?
Do you think you know the answer? Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm on the day!
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