22 days ago

A big step forward on sorting Onewa Road!

John Gillon from John Gillon - Kaipatiki Local Board

The Kaipātiki Local Board and Auckland Transport is consulting on the removal of all parking on Onewa Road. This will enable the full utilisation of the outside lanes to help move the buses and general traffic. Thankyou to the Auckland Transport staff who have been working hard to progress this on our behalf. This has been a high priority for the Kaipātiki Local Board and the Shore Action team.

➡️ Have your say now: haveyoursay.at.govt.nz...
Consultation closes 6 April. Depending on the outcome of the consultation, work to make these changes could be under way from June!

The main changes in the proposal are:

* Vehicles will no longer be able to park on Onewa Road 24/7.
* Both T3 lanes will remain, with no changes.
* The clearway will become redundant as no parking will be allowed at all.
* The path on the northern side of the road will become a shared path (like on the southern side).
* The P15 carparks on Seaview Ave will be moved from the western side to the eastern side to make it easier for customers of the nearby businesses to park after turning from Onewa Rd.
* The small clearway on Nutsey Ave that has been causing issues will be replaced with yellow lines.
* Signal optimisation will be investigated for the Onewa Rd/Lake Rd/Queen St intersection and Onewa Rd/Birkenhead Ave intersection.
* There will be a trial of removing the bus stop opposite Northcote College, as it has been causing issues with some students running across the road (there is a safer bus stop close to the nearby crossing).
* There will be pedestrian detection system upgrades at the two mid-block pedestrian crossings outside St Mary's School and near Northcote College.
* A ramp to exit the existing shared path will be installed at the top of Onewa Road before the raised path at the corner.
* The middle lane from Birkenhead Ave to Onewa Road (from the town centre) will be marked as both a through and left lane.
* "Keep Clear" road markings will be painted on Birkenhead Ave at the intersection with Hammond Place.
Meanwhile, a project is underway to change the Birkenhead Ave/Onewa Rd intersection to allow the Birkenhead Ave T3 to continue around the corner and connect to the Onewa Rd T3. This project is as-yet unfunded, but is projected to be completed in 2 years time.
* "Keep Clear" road markings will be painted on Birkenhead Ave at the intersection with Hammond Place.

Meanwhile, a project is underway to change the Birkenhead Ave/Onewa Rd intersection to allow the Birkenhead Ave T3 to continue around the corner and connect to the Onewa Rd T3. This project is as-yet unfunded, but is projected to be completed in 2 years time.

More messages from your neighbours
1 day ago

What's one highway or road that needs attention?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

We've all been on a summer roadie and experienced first-hand the state of our roads.

If you've ever been stuck in a summer traffic jam, had near-misses on dangerous turns or feared for your life on clifftops (while the car behind you is tail-gating!) - you may have an opinion on this one.

Tell us what main road or highway you think needs some serious attention across the country, and why!

7 days ago

For a bit of fun, neighbours.

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Have a good think about it, and let us know...

If you could invent one piece of technology to make life easier, what would it be?

Comment below with what you think would be a handy new invention - it may even already exist!

6 hours ago

This week's prize draw

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Congrats to our winners of this week's $100 petrol voucher prize:

Esmaylia Thomas from New Plymouth

Jordan Savelio from Lower Hutt

Keith Edson from Taupo

Mary-Joy Williams from Dunedin

Winners, get in touch here before 1st of April to claim your prize.

Not a winner this week? Check back next week.
