Anzac Day: War letters to home
Sunday marks the 106-year anniversary of the first landing of New Zealand and Australian soldiers at Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli Peninsula.
For many of the 16000 soldiers, April 25, 1915 marked their first day of combat.
And by that night, 2000 had been killed or maimed.
We remember our Auckland veterans and fallen soldiers with their letters to friends and loved ones back home.
Here are letters from Michael Menzies, a Prisoner of War in Japan, to his friend Norm Ryder:
Dear Norm,
Still existing and anticipating a speedy reunion.
Appreciate your kind thoughts and wishes.
I often have the Queen St blues and a perpetual Waitemata thirst and occasionally a nicotine fit.
Received three of your letters and am anxiously
awaiting for more.
Your Affectionate Pal
Michael Menzies' letter to his relatives:
Dear Auntie Kate and Ange,
I received your very welcomed letter dated May 25th on Nov 25 th.
Although Jack has received a parcel from St Johns Association London and a very brief letter from Kathleen, this is the first I have received in twenty two long months.
I had given up all hope of getting mail so imagine the thrill it gave me.
There is only one thing I need Auntie and that is news, especially of Pat.
Please don’t keep it from me if anything has happened to him for that would only hurt me all the more.
I can’t help but think the worst has happened to him.
How is everyone in New Zealand?
I have made several radio broadcasts from here, did you hear any of them?
Of course I know you’ll understand when I tell you that our correspondence is limited in more ways than one.
Please don’t send money as you suggested, but a few packs of cigarettes, gum, and a photo would be very welcome.
Apart from a few attacks of asthma Jack is very well and sends his love to all.
I assure you Auntie that you have no need to worry so much over Jack or myself as we are both together which makes it much easier on me and under the circumstances the treatment is fair enough.
There are many things I want to ask you and tell you but unfortunately they will have to wait until peace has been restored once more to this mad world.
Well auntie I sincerely hope this letter finds you in the very best of health and
Along with it I send the seasons greetings and all my love.
Lots and lots of love.

Auckland Star Nov 1945 (2).PDF story about Menzies brothers as Prisoners of War.PDF Download View

Poll: Would you use a pet cemetery?
Dave Stephens has created a pet cemetery on his land.
The 10-acre site in Albany, Auckland, features graves nestled among beautifully manicured gardens and unique art pieces, offering a serene space where visitors can pay their respects in their own way.
Is a local pet cemetery something you think you would use? Share your thoughts below.

31.3% Yes
67.1% No
1.5% Other - I'll share below

Neighbourly Q&A: Consumer rights with CAB's Andrew Hubbard
What can you do if you buy something that breaks soon after you buy it? It's time for another helpful Q&A.
This week we have Andrew Hubbard from Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CABNZ) who will be answering your questions about your consumer rights.
A little bit about Andrew:
Dr Andrew Hubbard is deputy chief executive of Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CAB) and loves working for the CAB so much that he’s been there for more than fifteen years.
Andrew believes in the difference people can make working together in the community and loves being able to support the work of the more than 2000 CAB volunteers across the motu. Andrew’s background is in policy and he’s been actively involved in consumer issues for the fifteen years he’s been at the CAB.
Andrew and the CAB team are ready to answer your questions about your consumer rights. This might be questions about when you can get a refunds, your rights when buying via Facebook or overseas, product delivery issues and what to do if a retailer won't sort a problem out for you. Ask away!
Andrew will be here live on Wednesday at 9.30am, but go ahead, and add your question below now ⇩

Got a minute?💡Try this riddle and let’s see how clever you really are! 🧐
I am silent, yet I speak;
I can open minds but cannot open myself;
I contain worlds but have no life—
What am I?
Do you think you know the answer? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.
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