Sunnynook, Auckland

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1633 days ago

Pandemic adds thousands to cost of girl's surgery in US

Caroline Williams Reporter from North Shore Times

Hi neighbours. A North Shore family preparing to take their daughter for surgery in the United States are facing a raft of expensive, coronavirus-related hurdles.

Four-year-old Lydia Golding, from Hauraki, was born with proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD), a condition which left her with an … View more
Hi neighbours. A North Shore family preparing to take their daughter for surgery in the United States are facing a raft of expensive, coronavirus-related hurdles.

Four-year-old Lydia Golding, from Hauraki, was born with proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD), a condition which left her with an unformed hip and shortened femur. By maturity, the difference in height is expected to reach about 24cm.

Determined to make their daughter’s dream of walking on two feet come true, parents Hamish and Lauren Golding have remortgaged their home to help pay for bone-lengthening surgery in Florida, which will cost them $340,000 NZD.

However, the coronavirus pandemic has made an already daunting trip even more scary and expensive.

Click below to read more.

1638 days ago

Poll: Do you want to see more car parks at the Albany and Constellation park and rides?

Caroline Williams Reporter from North Shore Times

Transport authorities hope Auckland's fast-filling park and ride facilities will become more like “kiss and rides”, where partners drop their spouses off and seal it with a kiss, rather than needing to park.

Transport Minister Phil Twyford made the comment when asked if there were enough … View more
Transport authorities hope Auckland's fast-filling park and ride facilities will become more like “kiss and rides”, where partners drop their spouses off and seal it with a kiss, rather than needing to park.

Transport Minister Phil Twyford made the comment when asked if there were enough car parks at the Albany park and ride to cope with increased patronage as a result of the northern busway extension, due to be completed about 2022.

“If you rely solely on park and rides, then you just actually increase congestion around the stations. Ultimately, in some stations you’ll see ‘kiss and rides’, where spouses will drop their partner off at drop off zones.”

Would you like to see more car parks built at the Albany and Constellation park and rides?

Read more here:

Do you want to see more car parks at the Albany and Constellation park and rides?
  • 95.8% Yes - What's the point of park and rides if you can't PARK and ride?
    95.8% Complete
  • 2.4% No - Local bus services are frequent enough that I don't need to drive
    2.4% Complete
  • 1.8% Other - Tell us in the comments
    1.8% Complete
165 votes
1634 days ago

Auckland Heritage Festival near you

The Team from Auckland Council

26th September to 11th October. Learn about generations of famous and infamous Aucklanders, discover the stories of our oldest places and spaces, touch on our best-kept secrets and celebrate our heritage.

Auckland Heritage Festival 2020 presents a range of enlightening and intriguing events – … View more
26th September to 11th October. Learn about generations of famous and infamous Aucklanders, discover the stories of our oldest places and spaces, touch on our best-kept secrets and celebrate our heritage.

Auckland Heritage Festival 2020 presents a range of enlightening and intriguing events – some in person and some online. Choose from exhibitions, walks, talks, tours and activities for kids. Or look for events marked ONLINE to learn about our heritage from home!
Learn more

1634 days ago

Take part in Pots for Tots for Plunket with Resene!


Help us help Plunket support Kiwi kids and their families! Buy any Resene testpot with a colour name starting with P, O or T and Resene will donate $1 to Plunket.

The 10 most common birthdays all appear in the 13-day period from 22 September to 4 October! What better way to celebrate all these … View more
Help us help Plunket support Kiwi kids and their families! Buy any Resene testpot with a colour name starting with P, O or T and Resene will donate $1 to Plunket.

The 10 most common birthdays all appear in the 13-day period from 22 September to 4 October! What better way to celebrate all these new babies than supporting Plunket to support them.

Every qualifying testpot you buy = a $1 donation to Plunket!

Offer applies until 4 October 2020 at Resene owned ColorShops.
Learn more

1635 days ago

Have Your Say - Regional Parks Management Plan Review

The Team from Auckland Council

Arohaina ōu papa whenua ā-rohe? Kōrerotia āu whakaaro i mua atu 12 o Whiringa-a-Nuku 2020 👇
Love your regional parks? Have your say before 12 October 2020 👇
📷 Waitākere Ranges Regional Park

1634 days ago

👉 Outstanding Auction Results in August 2020

Gabrielle Elborough from

Buyers are in the market ✔
Let's get you Sold & Settled in 2020 ✔
Now is a good time to List & Sell - with Gabrielle ✔
Call me 021 257 5018

1645 days ago


Service Centre Coordinator from Red Cross Auckland

We are very sad to announce the cancellation of our Pop-Up Book Fair - Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 September at Rangitoto College.

We are so sorry for any disappointment.

As soon as circumstances allow us to re-schedule the Fair, we will let you know!

Thank you

1635 days ago

🚀Website or Graphic Designer needed? 🚀

Director | Graphic designer and Web developer from Envision Creative Ltd

Want to get more leads for your business? 👍👍
We provide the best quality, affordable graphic design services & personalized, user-friendly, websites.

👉👉 Get in touch with us! 😃

☎️ 09 4430 156
📱 021 054 3532 or 021 0264 3613


1636 days ago

Pioneering retirement for a trailblazing generation

There is a new generation of New Zealander, seeking a new way to live in retirement. They are living their lives with passion and purpose, striving to push further, to create better, to go beyond the ordinary.

A new generation of Kiwis are not retiring from life; they’re finding a new way to … View more
There is a new generation of New Zealander, seeking a new way to live in retirement. They are living their lives with passion and purpose, striving to push further, to create better, to go beyond the ordinary.

A new generation of Kiwis are not retiring from life; they’re finding a new way to live. One with flexibility, certainty, and the ability to dial care up and down as you need it.
Learn more

1645 days ago

Ko te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau e tautoko ana i Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

The Team from Auckland Council

While COVID-19 has had a big impact on plans for this year, we still have some fantastic opportunities for you to practice your reo (language) this Māori Language Week. Find out how by clicking on 'Read More' below.

1638 days ago

Auckland Museum translates online war records into te reo Māori

Ripu Bhatia Reporter from Auckland Stuff

Hi neighbours,

An online military database has been translated into te reo to honour Māori servicemen and women.

Auckland War Memorial Museum has introduced the changes to the user interfaces of its online cenotaph and collections in time for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Māori Language Week.… View more
Hi neighbours,

An online military database has been translated into te reo to honour Māori servicemen and women.

Auckland War Memorial Museum has introduced the changes to the user interfaces of its online cenotaph and collections in time for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Māori Language Week.

The initiative was funded by a $15,000 grant from InternetNZ, a lobby group that aims to support digital inclusion.

1638 days ago


Mazhar from Unsworth Heights

Working pend


1638 days ago

Welcome Offer for New Customers!

Dog On A Leash

Hi everyone, Dog On A Leash! is a dog walking and sitting service in the East Coast Bays area. We are looking for new clients and currently offering a free first walk! Give us a bark for more information regarding bookings and pricing 😁

1639 days ago

Retirement village information webinar

The Team from

Are you or a loved one thinking of moving into a retirement village? The Office of the Retirement Commissioner is hosting a free, two-part webinar series on 23 and 24 September for anyone interested to help you understand the personal, legal, and financial implications. Selling the family home and… View moreAre you or a loved one thinking of moving into a retirement village? The Office of the Retirement Commissioner is hosting a free, two-part webinar series on 23 and 24 September for anyone interested to help you understand the personal, legal, and financial implications. Selling the family home and moving into a village is a big decision, so register today and let our experts guide you through what you and your family need to know so you can be sure you make the right choice.

1640 days ago

Kia ora neighbours!

The Team from

With Maori Language Week upon us, we've been adding a few more words to our te reo vocabulary and using them in our everyday lives.

Whether it's saying 'mōrena!' every morning to your whānau or singing some waiata in the car, share how you are incorporating te reo Māori … View more
With Maori Language Week upon us, we've been adding a few more words to our te reo vocabulary and using them in our everyday lives.

Whether it's saying 'mōrena!' every morning to your whānau or singing some waiata in the car, share how you are incorporating te reo Māori below to go into the draw to win one of four $25 prezzy cards - let's kōrero!
