1184 days ago

The Impacts of Climate Change on Insurance costs

Climate Insights

Our homes can be our greatest investment and protecting our homes against climate change has become more important than ever.

Our changing climate poses risks to our natural and built environments. Swiss Re in a global analysis of insurance risk said to “expect climate risks to raise global property premiums by 33-41% between 2020 and 2040”. The potential increase was deemed a direct consequence of our changing climate.

Our Climate Insights property report provides easily understood information on change to risks for your current or a future property. The report includes robust and actionable information for residential property owners, tenants and investors to enhance their property’s climate resilience.
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More messages from your neighbours
1 day ago

Fair play


Whether it’s a playhouse, she shed or teenager’s sleepout, a stencil-painted floor in Resene Clockwork Orange will elevate it from meh to wow. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions. Find out more

5 days ago

Suellen’s sweet Christmas tradition

William Sanders Retirement Village

The festive season is always a great excuse to indulge your sweet tooth, and this time of year poses the perfect opportunity to bring a real showstopper to the Christmas table.

For Suellen’s family, that showstopper is Croquembouche, an impressive tower of cream puffs bound together with spun sugar that is popular at weddings in France and Italy.

What began as a birthday treat at a local French café has become a cherished Christmas tradition for Suellen and her 17-year-old twin granddaughters, Ellie and Sadie. Every year, the trio gather in Suellen’s apartment at William Sanders Village to cook this festive dessert - a holiday highlight they all treasure.

Click read more for the recipe.

8 days ago

On the range


Venetian plaster finishes are on-trend at the moment, so why not recreate this look at home and cover that unsightly rangehood at the same time? Find out how to create your own with Resene Sandtex and these easy step by step instructions. Find out more
