reading about scams every day, i thought it would be a good idea to share how we were scammed, or heard about someone who was . we always think we are careful but daily some one falls in a trap. so do put your or some one else's misfortune for others to learn a lesson and be careful. you need not give your personal details.
i regularly received phone calls on the landline, the person said some people had taken control of my computer. i said i had no problem. the calls kept coming. i asked someone in citizens advice bureau and was told i could report it to phone 555(police non urgent) So next time i told the person i had this police phone number and would report him. the calls stopped. the phone number showed they came from london but the person had a south asian accent.
i regularly get phone messages to say i have not paid my speeding ticket fine, road toll fee, and to click on a link.
another scammer - i often order gifts on line for family in australia. i got messages on my phone to say the supplier had to cross a border and had to be paid a custom fee and to click on the link. i took it up with the big organisation with whom i had placed the order, on their chat line, that this only happened for australia. they said they would look into it but i got no feedback.

🎉The Riddler wants to hear from you 🫵
Hello, dearest riddle fiends 😈
You might have noticed we've been doing a few different things recently on The Neighbourly Ridder...
We took your thoughts from our last check-in and made some changes, left the riddles up for longer, as well as added some brand new rebus riddles to perplex your processor, and we wanted to know what you think 🤔
Are you a fan of the changes, or liked the way it was last time?
Is keeping the comments open longer so people can enjoy them more going well, or did you like it when we had a daily riddle?
Are you liking the new style of riddles? Would you like to keep them going, have more, or get rid of them?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below 👀
Your ideas could help shape the next chapter of our riddles! 🧩

Poll: Would a new supermarket help NZ?
Nicola Willis will this weekend announce decisions taken by Cabinet to incentivise and encourage a third supermarket player alongside FoodStuffs and Progressive (Woolworths).
Do you think having a third supermarket chain will bring competition and lower grocery prices, or will the existing giants still dominate?

62.3% Yes, it will help
35.5% No, I doubt it'll make a difference
2.3% Depends - I'll share below

What's one highway or road that needs attention?
We've all been on a summer roadie and experienced first-hand the state of our roads.
If you've ever been stuck in a summer traffic jam, had near-misses on dangerous turns or feared for your life on clifftops (while the car behind you is tail-gating!) - you may have an opinion on this one.
Tell us what main road or highway you think needs some serious attention across the country, and why!