New Books for sale.. NOT a Tupperwear party but a book Party.
Off to London to do book presentation. Thye supplying all the books so i have a stock of brand new books. "WHO ARE YOU...So What Is Your Reality" 429 pages with coloured pictures. 3 parts. (1) The beginning of my life to now. not fitting into society. (2) Travelling quick stories ion my travels to prove my illusions are for real.eg. 7xEgypt, 3xPeru. + Near on the whole world even to Cold Foot in Canada, far north as i could get in Tibet. All short and interesting. Part 3x attending many International conferences to prove the earth is cyclic etc. Questionnaires regarding Indigo Children plus so much more. Signed.
Happy to do Afternoon tea presentations to groups and friends. Get in touch with me on speedwell@xtra.co.nz or )21 537 055. (LONDON etc..I will be overseas...from 15th April - 20th May. (London Book Fair etc.) Gail F Nicholls. ND DipClinHyp, Author and guest speaker.

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Poll: Should the second harbour crossing be a bridge or tunnel?
The government is prioritizing building a second crossing additional to the Auckland Harbour Bridge.
What's your preference? Bridge or tunnel?

0% Bridge
0% Tunnel
0% Other - I'll share below

Transform Your Old Clothesline into a Stylish Garden Feature with Resene
Turn a tired old clothesline into a stylish garden feature that brings joy to the chore of getting your washing out in the sun. Finish in Resene Waterborne Woodsman Crowshead. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.