Western Bay of Plenty Neighbourhood Support

Community Organisation

Western Bay of Plenty Neighbourhood Support
Pyes Pa

Feel Connected & Join Your Neighbourhood Support Our Vision: Safe, supportive, and connected communities Neighbourhood Support is a 100% not for profit charitable organisation. Since 1999 Neighbourhood Support New Zealand has been supporting over 200,000 households (and counting) across Aotearoa New Zealand. Our Mission: Collaborative local and practical support for grassroots neighbourhood champions Becoming a member of Neighbourhood Support for free, your level of involvement is completely up to you, it can be as simple as receiving the emailed Neighbourhood Support newsletter once a fortnight to keep up to date with what is happening and crime information in your area or becoming more involved as a Street Coordinator that keeps your neighbours up to date and organises street get togethers. Contact me and help us build safe, supportive and connected communities. Cathi Barker Neighbourhood Support Pyes Pa & Lakes Area Coordinator