Western Bay of Plenty Neighbourhood Support

Community Organisation

Western Bay of Plenty Neighbourhood Support
Pyes Pa
166 days ago

Building a Safe, Supported and Connected Community

Cathi Barker from Western Bay of Plenty Neighbourhood Support

Do you want to be part of a Safe, Supported and Connected Community.
Then join Neighbourhood Support

It’s Easy and its Free

Visit www.wbopns.org.nz... and learn more

We are a community led charitable organisation of volunteers

Throughout NZ we have over 200,000 members and In … View more
Do you want to be part of a Safe, Supported and Connected Community.
Then join Neighbourhood Support

It’s Easy and its Free

Visit www.wbopns.org.nz... and learn more

We are a community led charitable organisation of volunteers

Throughout NZ we have over 200,000 members and In Tauranga area we have approximately 14,500 members.

Our members come from Tauranga, the Mount, Pyes Pa, The Lakes, Te Puke, Otumoetai, Maketu, Pukehina and all the way along our shores to Otamarakau

It’s easy and fast to join simply visit www.wbopns.org.nz...
Then Click Join Us and fill in the form and we will be in touch

Become part of a caring and supportive community, that has each other’s back in times of emergency or disaster or simply when you see something suspicious in your neighbourhood

Join Neighbourhood Support today!
