The Waitakere Ethnic Board (WEB), a registered incorporated society, was established on 20 September 2003 after calls from ethnic groups in the former Waitakere City to establish an Ethnic Advisory Body that could promote and represent the interests of all ethnic communities within its boundaries. Over the years WEB has evolved and we now act as a ‘connector’, where we connect ethnic people of West Auckland to -Info -Career opportunities -Knowledge -Other people -Support Our Vision: To support integration and settlement of Auckland’s diverse ethnic backgrounds into the communities they live, work and play. Our Mission: Working with the ethnic and wider communities to build stronger and diverse West Auckland. Our Objectives: Provide a platform to express unique ethnic and cultural identities in a supportive and enabling environment. Create a strong sense of belonging and inclusion in wider New Zealand society. Engage and participate in community activities and develop stronger relationships with Maori and Pacifica communities.