We are a group dedicated to humanely reducing the uncontrolled breeding of un-owned and abandoned felines in the towns of the Wairarapa by practising humane trapping and where possible FIV Testing, desexing and vaccinating all the cats and kittens that are able to be socialized and then adopted out. In the case, of an adult cat being unsocialized, and the property owner is willing to become a person in charge for this animal, we use Trap-Neuter-Return.
This improves the life of the cats by removing unwanted pregnancies for the Queens and unneccessary fighting and spread of disease for the Toms. As there is a diverse amount of wildlife throughout our beautiful region, we are also strongly working to find a balance for cat owners and the native wildlife and by reducing the breeding and un-owned animals we are beginning to achieve this. Donations can be made via internet banking to our Kiwibank account: Wairarapa Community Kitties 38 9018 0050330 00 OR to our GiveaLittle page.