Community Organisation

4a Harbour View Road
Point ChevalierPoint Chevalier
2704 days ago

Official War Horse Statue Unveiling and 'The Mane Event' - Free Show

Kate McArthur from TOTI

Waikato Equestrians’ “Big, Awesome, Bronze War Horse” statue will be officially unveiled in Hamilton’s Memorial Park on Saturday, 11 November, 2017. The statue was commissioned to acknowledge the terrible suffering of the 10,000 NZ horses sent to WW1. Only four returned home. Later that … View moreWaikato Equestrians’ “Big, Awesome, Bronze War Horse” statue will be officially unveiled in Hamilton’s Memorial Park on Saturday, 11 November, 2017. The statue was commissioned to acknowledge the terrible suffering of the 10,000 NZ horses sent to WW1. Only four returned home. Later that afternoon, ‘The Mane Event’ - A free one-off horse variety show suitable for the whole family will take place from 1 pm – 4 pm, 11 November, 2017, Claudelands Events Centre.
