St David's in the Fields Presbyterian/Methodist Church

Community Organisation

St David's in the Fields Presbyterian/Methodist Church
202 Hillsborough Road
HillsboroughAuckland 1042

Welcome to St David’s in the Fields Church, living to make Jesus Christ known through love in action. We’re people of all ages and stages of the faith journey, seeking to be a “light on the hill” to our community. Our church service is every Sunday at 10am. We invite you to visit and share in our usual home baking with tea and coffee after the service. DURING THE WEEK… Mainly Music, 10.00am on a Friday morning during term time – a movement and music session for pre-schoolers and their parents. Call our office for more details. Indoor Bowls, 7.30pm on a Wednesday night in the church hall. Beginners and experienced players welcome, all ages – come along one night and give it a try. Communicare CMA, 9.30am-1pm every Thursday during term time. The Friendship Centre for the elderly, lonely or disabled, provides games, crafts, morning tea and lunch, all for a small cost. Volunteer helpers always welcome. Contact the team at Communicare for more information.