Rodney Aphasia Group

Community Organisation

Rodney Aphasia Group
2 Hibiscus Coast Highway
Silverdale 0993
2378 days ago

Rodney Aphasia Group Shared Lunch & Meeting 26th July 12 midday

The team from Rodney Aphasia Group

Rodney Aphasia Group is a non-profit community organisation, available to people of any age and type of aphasia, their caregivers and family members.

Aphasia is a language difficulty resulting from damage to the language areas of the brain. Most commonly aphasia is caused by Stroke, but it can… View more
Rodney Aphasia Group is a non-profit community organisation, available to people of any age and type of aphasia, their caregivers and family members.

Aphasia is a language difficulty resulting from damage to the language areas of the brain. Most commonly aphasia is caused by Stroke, but it can be associated with brain tumours, brain infections or head injury.

We would like to invite you to our shared lunch and meeting on Thursday 26th July, at Rotary House Silverdale, from 12 midday until 2pm. Guests are welcome to come and see if this group is suitable for you.

Annual membership is $15 an Individual and $20 a Couple & includes:
Monthly support meetings, aphasia resources from our library, guest speakers, monthly newsletters, links to other community groups, attendance to (optional) therapy including:
Caregiver & Aphasia Workshops, Rhythm Therapy, Physio and Neuro therapy sessions. See contact details for Rodney Aphasia Group
