Pukerua Bay Residents' Association

Community Organisation

Pukerua Bay Residents' Association
2 Pukerua Beach Road
Pukerua Bay
Porirua 5026
1298 days ago

The alert level two rules have changed for delta

Web Secretary from Pukerua Bay Residents' Association

Kia ora e te whānau o Pukerua. The alert levels have changed – yeeha! What does Level 2 mean for us? As you know, the headlines are about wearing face coverings, keeping track of where you’ve been, and practising basic good hygiene. This Spinoff article breaks it down further.

1299 days ago

Paint our lovely Chorus cabinet!

Web Secretary from Pukerua Bay Residents' Association

Kia ora Pukerua Bay, calling all our talented local artists!

Chorus is asking for artists to come up with designs to transform cabinets in Porirua with art, and have extended their deadline for submission to 5pm on 17 September. We have a Chorus box in Pukerua Bay that can really do with a face … View more
Kia ora Pukerua Bay, calling all our talented local artists!

Chorus is asking for artists to come up with designs to transform cabinets in Porirua with art, and have extended their deadline for submission to 5pm on 17 September. We have a Chorus box in Pukerua Bay that can really do with a face lift (pictured) on the junction of Wairaka Road and Rawhiti Road, so if you are feeling inspired and want to share your vision with the rest of our community, please enter!

1301 days ago

Please be mindful during lambing season

Web Secretary from Pukerua Bay Residents' Association

A request from Carrad’s farm, to please keep off the farm during lambing season until December. Walkers and bikers can disturb the sheep which can sometimes result in lambs being abandoned, especially by the younger ewes. This includes all farm access from Rawhiti Road, Kapekape Place, and Raroa … View moreA request from Carrad’s farm, to please keep off the farm during lambing season until December. Walkers and bikers can disturb the sheep which can sometimes result in lambs being abandoned, especially by the younger ewes. This includes all farm access from Rawhiti Road, Kapekape Place, and Raroa Place. Please respect this request; we are allowed access to the private farm at the discretion of the owners.

1312 days ago

COVID-19 response update

Web Secretary from Pukerua Bay Residents' Association

Pukerua Bay’s COVID-19 response group has now met several times. It’s all systems go for activating our network of support. We have 18 street champions covering all of the Bay.

Last year, we also had a layer of volunteers. This became a little too complicated but what did work really well … View more
Pukerua Bay’s COVID-19 response group has now met several times. It’s all systems go for activating our network of support. We have 18 street champions covering all of the Bay.

Last year, we also had a layer of volunteers. This became a little too complicated but what did work really well was all the support neighbours gave each other. If you had a local Facebook group or phone tree last time, maybe you could start it again?

For more information, please go to the community website COVID-19 page at www.pukeruabay.org.nz...

To access help, please:

use the “ask for help” link on www.pukeruabay.org.nz...
email us at hello@pkbhub.org.nz
phone Helen on 0211466421.

Stay well, Pukerua Bay!

1413 days ago

May 2021 RA meeting minutes

Web Secretary from Pukerua Bay Residents' Association

See the following link for the minutes of the RA meeting held on 11 May 2021.
