Pirimai Residents Association

Community Organisation

Pirimai Residents Association
Clarence Cox Crescent. Pirimai
Napier 4112
218 days ago

Community Planting Day

Maree Leatherby from Pirimai Residents Association

Join us for our fourth annual planting day on Saturday 24 August 8.30-11.30am, Cross Country Drain, Cnr Bill Hercock Street & Harold Holt Ave, Pirimai, Napier.

If you’ve taken a wander along the Cross Country Drain, you will have seen what can be achieved when a community works together. … View more
Join us for our fourth annual planting day on Saturday 24 August 8.30-11.30am, Cross Country Drain, Cnr Bill Hercock Street & Harold Holt Ave, Pirimai, Napier.

If you’ve taken a wander along the Cross Country Drain, you will have seen what can be achieved when a community works together. With a combined total of 10,000+ natives planted at our planting days, we need your help.
We have around 3000 natives to plant this year. We will be focussing on the south side of the Cross Country Drain and the area along the expressway.

Start with a briefing at 8.30am, planting from 9am.
Finishing with a sausage sizzle on the BBQ at approximately 11am, once all the plants are in the ground.
This planting day is suited to people of all ages and abilities. Bring along gardening gloves, a spade and a water bottle.
We can’t wait to see you there!

Planting day.pdf Download View

1739 days ago

Cross Country Drain in Pirimai

Maree Leatherby from Pirimai Residents Association

Did you know about the Cross Country Drain that runs along Harold Holt Avenue?

Did you know that it is owned by the Napier City Council and that you can use it like any park in Napier?

The first two pictures show what the area currently looks like.

For the past couple of years, we have been … View more
Did you know about the Cross Country Drain that runs along Harold Holt Avenue?

Did you know that it is owned by the Napier City Council and that you can use it like any park in Napier?

The first two pictures show what the area currently looks like.

For the past couple of years, we have been working hard to improve the area.

We are proposing:
· A pathway that connects to the other pathways across Napier.
· Trees and plantings to beautify the area and purify the waterway.
· Seating areas to rest and watch the birds.

You can read more about our proposed ideas and the supporting proposal from the Hawkes Bay Regional Council below.

