Pipitea Playgroup at Wellington Cathedral

Community Organisation

Pipitea Playgroup at Wellington Cathedral
Brian Davies Room
Cathedral of St Paul's Wellington
Molesworth Street

Every Monday morning, mums, bubs and preschoolers caregivers etc meet at the Brian Davies Room at St. Paul's cathedral for coffee, biscuits (healthy morning tea for the kiddies) and lots of play. We have a warm dry indoor play area with small kitchenette and we have a lovely big outdoor space for warmer/dry days. If you live in the area come on in between 10am and 11.30am, have a cuppa, say hello and see what we have to offer you and your kids. Ask for Alison or Natasha and we will show you round. We can be found on Facebook. Look for Pipitea Playgroup to see photos of the fun we have been having.