Papaya Stories

Community Organisation

Papaya Stories
57 Winery Way
Auckland 0612
2507 days ago

Hello from Hub of Inspiration - Live to the Fullest

Yana Kirakovskaya from Papaya Stories

Hello friends,
Here is Yana Papaya, a founder, writer and events organiser at Papaya Stories. I am here to say Hi and also quickly introduce you to the world of Papaya Stories. It's an international inspiring project of mine that stands for community, self-love, self-development, mental … View more
Hello friends,
Here is Yana Papaya, a founder, writer and events organiser at Papaya Stories. I am here to say Hi and also quickly introduce you to the world of Papaya Stories. It's an international inspiring project of mine that stands for community, self-love, self-development, mental health, creativity, arts and fulfilling your potential. We inspire YOU to live to the fullest through a lens of storytelling by featuring real-life stories about inspiring humans online - - as well as through immersive and engaging events around Auckland. We are aspired to create a like-minded community and space where we would practice emotional and physical freedom, there is no room for labels, judgments, masks or stereotypes.

If something resonates with you, feel free to join the movement.
Feel like asking a question, don't hesitate to DM me.
All the best and Dream Big.
