Our Sunday Church Service is at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to join us for healing and messages from Spirit, shared laughter and singing, followed by a cuppa. We are now opening the Church for a new Spiritual Circle. Where all areas of spiritual development and shared experiences will be discussed, and we will respect the mission statement of NPSC. Please feel free to contact us on this page for more information.
New Plymouth Spiritualist Church is a contemporary, multi-cultural church, with people of all ages attending. Our church has a uniquely friendly and welcoming feel to it. We offer a place for people to talk and share about all matters spiritual. Our aim is "to provide a safe, supportive, friendly community environment to teach, develop and demonstrate spiritual and psychic awareness to enrich, heal and transform the world" and to gain a better understanding into spiritualism, allowing you the opportunity to grow in both knowledge and wisdom. We hope that this information will help you to strive to reach your full understanding of yourself and your interconnectedness with all that is. Those who have taken on teaching a development circle, come with a wealth of experiences at teaching all manner of spiritual development to help you to develop a Spiritual Awareness.