Multicultural Tauranga (Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council)

Community Organisation

Multicultural Tauranga (Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council)
Complex 1
Main Street
Historic Village at 17th avenue
2032 days ago

moving company

Multicultural Tauranga (Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council)

I am looking for a company which can move a upright piano within Tauranga's suburbs and back again to the original place within three or four days

2176 days ago

Living in Harmony -CHINA NIGHT

Ewa Fenn from Multicultural Tauranga (Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council)

An invitaiton to all to attend an Livingin Harmony evening on 16th April at 7pm at the Senior Citiznes Hall, 14 Norris Street, Tauranga (behind Pak'n Save on Cameron Rd.)
The group presenting China and her culture is New Zealand China Friendship Society - they will present dancing, music, even… View more
An invitaiton to all to attend an Livingin Harmony evening on 16th April at 7pm at the Senior Citiznes Hall, 14 Norris Street, Tauranga (behind Pak'n Save on Cameron Rd.)
The group presenting China and her culture is New Zealand China Friendship Society - they will present dancing, music, even a tea ceremony and Chinese caligraphy, culture and art of China. At the end of the evening we will have potluck dinner, so please bring a plate of food to share and a donation to help run oour services.

2227 days ago

20th Tauranga Multicultural Festival 2019

Ewa Fenn from Multicultural Tauranga (Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council)

On 16th March at the Historic Village our Tauranga Multicultural Festival will be run from 10am to about 4pm. Tickets are $5 per adult and free for children under 12y to purchase at the gate. Performances on stage, lots of food stalls, art and crafts and information stalls for newcomers to our … View moreOn 16th March at the Historic Village our Tauranga Multicultural Festival will be run from 10am to about 4pm. Tickets are $5 per adult and free for children under 12y to purchase at the gate. Performances on stage, lots of food stalls, art and crafts and information stalls for newcomers to our city, also we will have plenty of various activities for children. A traditional Irish band will conclude the day ( St.Patrick day is on 17th).

2304 days ago

Singing and Dancing for Joy -Year 2018 finale

Ewa Fenn from Multicultural Tauranga (Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council)

Last for this year evening in the Living in Harmony series - this time lots of performers from various countries dancing, singing and playing instruments. Expect a visit from Santa with lollies for children and the usual potluck dinner. Donations appreciated.
Venue- Village Hall, Historic Village … View more
Last for this year evening in the Living in Harmony series - this time lots of performers from various countries dancing, singing and playing instruments. Expect a visit from Santa with lollies for children and the usual potluck dinner. Donations appreciated.
Venue- Village Hall, Historic Village at 17th avenue, Tauranga
Date -11th December at 6.30pm
Entry - all welcome with a plate of of to share and a donation to run our services

2330 days ago

Living in Harmony

Ewa Fenn from Multicultural Tauranga (Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council)

"Pasifika face's of the Future in Tauranga Moana -Our children" - on 20 November at the senior Citizens Hall, 14 Norris Street (behind Pak'n Save on Cameron rd), starts at 7pm till anout 9pm.
Another one of our monthly events showcasing the second generation of Pacific Islands … View more
"Pasifika face's of the Future in Tauranga Moana -Our children" - on 20 November at the senior Citizens Hall, 14 Norris Street (behind Pak'n Save on Cameron rd), starts at 7pm till anout 9pm.
Another one of our monthly events showcasing the second generation of Pacific Islands immigrants - children - their abilities and talents. Expect a fantastic evening. Entry is opened to everybody - just bring a plate of food for a shared dinner ad a donation to support our services.
