Mornington Presbyterian Church

Community Organisation

Mornington Presbyterian Church
16 Maryhill Terrace
1826 days ago
1833 days ago
1834 days ago
1842 days ago

There must be more to Christmas?

Nilanthi Sim from Mornington Presbyterian Church

We would love you to join us as we explore this questions. Details below:

2129 days ago

Where Jesus Walked

Nilanthi Sim from Mornington Presbyterian Church

In 2018 Rev Peter Cheyne spent seven weeks in Israel, primarily visiting biblical sites. He will share some of what he learnt, and some photos, from the places Jesus went - places like Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi. Magdala and Jerusalem.
Saturday 9 March at 7.30 pm at Mornington Presbyterian … View more
In 2018 Rev Peter Cheyne spent seven weeks in Israel, primarily visiting biblical sites. He will share some of what he learnt, and some photos, from the places Jesus went - places like Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi. Magdala and Jerusalem.
Saturday 9 March at 7.30 pm at Mornington Presbyterian Church, Maryhill Terrace, Mornington.
RSVP to 4535357 or (for catering purposes)
